Tytuł Studia Ceranea : journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe
ISSN 2084-140X
Wydawca Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Inne tytuły
Liczba artykułów w woluminie: 22
Studia Ceranea : journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe
2015, Tom 5

Tytuł artykułu    Autorzy Strony Czynności
Marriage and Power : Images of Authority Ivan Biliarsky s. 9-32
Wisdom Has Built Her House (Proverbs 9, 1–6) : the History of the Notion in Southern and Eastern Slavic Art in the 14th–16th Centuries Zofia Brzozowska s. 33-58
The Iconographic Motif of a Griffin and a Hare on the So-called Saracenic-Sicilian Casket from the Wawel Cathedral Treasury in Cracow Magdalena Garnczarska s. 59-72
Prisoners of War in Early Medieval Bulgaria : Preliminary Remarks Yanko M. Hristov s. 73-105
Словник Исторической Палеи по списку синодального собрания No 591 второй половины ХV века – глоттометрическая характеристика Татяна Илиева s. 107-154
Gnesioi filoi: the Search for George Syncellus’ and Theophanies the Confessor’s Own Words, and the Authorship of their Oeuvre Andrzej Kompa s. 155-230
The Exiled Bishops of Constantinople from the Fourth to the Late Sixth Century Rafał Kosiński s. 231-247
The Christian Nubia and the Arabs Małgorzata Martens-Czarnecka s. 249-265
Monarchs’ Names and Numbering in the Second Bulgarian State Ian S. R. Mladjov s. 267-310
Transition from the Temple of Jupiter to the Great Mosque of Damascus in Architecture and Design Kamil Sobczak s. 311-320
O „русизмах” Берлинского сборника Ростислав Станков s. 321-336
The Image of the Town: Medieval So a in Original Bulgarian Works from the 16th Century Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova s. 337-356
Pro Bessarione poeta Hanna Zalewska-Jura s. 357-368
"Święta księżna kijowska Olga. Wybór tekstów źródłowych [Saint Olga – Princess of Kievan Rus’. An Anthology of Sources]", Zofia Brzozowska, Łódź 2014 : [recenzja] Andrzej R. Hołasek Zofia Brzozowska (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 371-373
"Ахтаровият царственик от 1844 година. Текст и изследване [Ahtarovyiat Tsarstvenik. Text and research]", Лъчезар Перчеклийски, София 2013 : [recenzja] Agata Kawecka Лъчезар Перчеклийски (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 373-374
"Фолклорни измерения на християнството. Устни разкази и локална религиозност в района на Бачковския манастир >>Успение на Пресвета Богородица<< и на Хаджидимовския манастир >>Св. Великомъченик Георги Победоносец<< [Folk Dimensions of Christianity. Oral Narratives and Local Religiosity near Bačkovo Monastery of the Mother of God Petritzonitissa and Hadžidimovo Monastery of the Holy Great-Martyr George, the Victory-Bearer]", Албена Георгиева, София 2012 : [recenzja] Karolina Krzeszewska Албена Георгиева (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 375-378
"Bitwa na Kosowym Polu 1389 [Battle of Kosovo 1389]", Ilona Czamańska, Jan Leśny, Poznań 2015 : [recenzja] Mirosław J. Leszka Ilona Czamańska (aut. dzieła rec.) Jan Leśny (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 379-380
"Црквена политика Византије од крајa иконоборства до смрти цара Ваcилија I [Church Policy of Byzantium from the End of Iconoclasm to the Death of Emperor Basil I]", Предраг Коматина, Београд 2014 : [recenzja] Mirosław J. Leszka Предраг Коматина (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 380-381
"Flavius Merobaudes. Wódz i poeta z V wieku [Flavius Merobau- des. General and Poet from the 5th century]", Adrian Szopa, Kraków 2014 : [recenzja] Łukasz Pigoński Adrian Szopa (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 381-382
"yrikum i Afryki (312–425 n.e.) [Pretorian Præfecture of Italy, Illyricum and Africa (312–425 A.D.)]", Szymon Olszaniec, Toruń 2014 : [recenzja] Łukasz Pigoński Szymon Olszaniec (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 382-383
Abbreviations s. 384-390
Guidelines for the Authors s. 391-394