Tytuł Review of International American Studies
ISSN 1991-2773
Wydawca Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Inne tytuły
Liczba artykułów w woluminie: 14
Review of International American Studies
2007, Tom 2, Numer 3

Tytuł artykułu    Autorzy Strony Czynności
Is IASA entering its second phase? Michael Boyden s. 5-7
Lisbon as a site of cross-cultural dialogue Teresa F.A. Alves Teresa Cid s. 8-9
Transcultural America Patrick Imbert s. 10-11
How far is America from here? Theo D’haen s. 12-13
And why 'trans' all the time? : a transnational forum Anders Olsson s. 14-15
'Living in translated worlds' - a pragmatist approach to transnationalism Laura Bieger s. 16-20
Transnationalism and the realignment of state power: two sides of one coin Johannes Völz s. 21-23
Towards a genealogy of transnational perspective Jeffrey Hole s. 24-28
Transnationalism: the american challenge Frank Kelleter s. 29-33
All roads lead to the american city Selina S.L. Lai s. 34-36
Hearts of darkness? Paweł Jędrzejko s. 37-38
Migration matters: immigration, homelands, and border crossongs in Europe and the Americas s. 39
Notes about Authors s. 40-41
RIAS Editorial Policy s. 42-43