@Article{204232, author = "Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman", title = ""Recenziya na kn. : Κ. Κ. Zel'in, Issledovaniya po istorii zemel'nykh otnosheniy v ellinisticheskom Egipte II-I vv. do n.e. = The review of the book of Κ. K. Zel'in, Studies on the history of agrarian relations in the Hellenistic Egypt in the II-I centuries B.C.", O. O. Krüger, Moscow, 1960, "VDI", 1962, no 3 : [recenzja] ", year = 1965, volume = 15, number = , journal = The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, pages = s. 421, }