About the Project
BazHum is a database managed by the Museum of Polish History. The database collects articles from Polish scientific journals in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
The creation of the BazHum database in 2010 was a response to the need to facilitateaccess to the achievements of Polish science, especially in fields such as history, cultural studies, literary studies, sociology, and philosophy. The project was initiated by the Museum of Polish History with the support of the academic community - the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw.
Since 2015, BazHum has operated as two separate services offering open and free access to bibliographic data (at www.bazhum.pl) and full texts of articles from Polish scientific journals in the humanities and social sciences (pod adresem www.bazhum.muzhp.pl).

Development of the database
Since its inception, the services have been continuously developed and expanded with public funding, and the list of publishers cooperating with the Museum of Polish History in creating the collection of available resources continues to grow. The BazHum database has become recognizable on the map of national services enabling a wide audience to access the latest achievements of Polish science.
Recent Changes
In the last quarter of 2024, with funding from the National Reconstruction Plan under the Program to support activities in the cultural sector and creative industries to stimulate their development the Museum of Polish History completed the project called BazHum+ - Modern and Accessible Humanities Journal Database, in which both services were merged into one cohesive database. A more functional and transparent tool with a new graphic design has been made available to users.
Currently, the service offers 922 journal titles, of which 417 are available in full text.