Janusz Janowiak
2 artykuły w 2 czasopismach
Janusz Janowiak, Rola wychowawcza ojca według Ef 6,4, Labor et Educatio, 2015 / Tom 3, s. 51 - 65
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Janusz Janowiak", title = "Rola wychowawcza ojca według Ef 6,4", journal = "Labor et Educatio", issue = "2015 / Tom 3", pages = "51 - 65" }
"«I the Lord Your God am a Jealous God» : A Historical, Exegetical, and Theological Investigation of Divine Zeal and Jealousy in the Old Testament", Janusz Janowiak, Roma 2016 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: Verbum Vitae 2018 / Tom 33 / s. 471 - 4792018CZYSTY TEKST
Janusz Janowiak, Jacek Kucharski, "«I the Lord Your God am a Jealous God» : A Historical, Exegetical, and Theological Investigation of Divine Zeal and Jealousy in the Old Testament", Janusz Janowiak, Roma 2016 : [recenzja] , Verbum Vitae, 2018 / Tom 33, s. 471 - 479
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Janusz Janowiak, Jacek Kucharski", title = ""«I the Lord Your God am a Jealous God» : A Historical, Exegetical, and Theological Investigation of Divine Zeal and Jealousy in the Old Testament", Janusz Janowiak, Roma 2016 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Verbum Vitae", issue = "2018 / Tom 33", pages = "471 - 479" }