Małgorzata Myk
6 artykuły w 6 czasopismach
Towards a Non-hierarchical Space of Thought: Reading Roland Barthes’ The Neutral Opublikowano w: Analyses/Rereadings/Theories: A Journal Devoted to Literature, Film and Theatre (A/R/T JOURNAL) 2015 / Numer 3 (2) / s. 34 - 412015CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Myk, Towards a Non-hierarchical Space of Thought: Reading Roland Barthes’ The Neutral, Analyses/Rereadings/Theories: A Journal Devoted to Literature, Film and Theatre (A/R/T JOURNAL), 2015 / Numer 3 (2), s. 34 - 41
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Myk", title = "Towards a Non-hierarchical Space of Thought: Reading Roland Barthes’ The Neutral", journal = "Analyses/Rereadings/Theories: A Journal Devoted to Literature, Film and Theatre (A/R/T JOURNAL)", issue = "2015 / Numer 3 (2)", pages = "34 - 41" }
Undoing Edna: Gender Performativity in Kate Chopin’s "The Awakening" Opublikowano w: Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie 2011 / Tom 12 / Numer 11 / s. 39 - 472011CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Myk, Undoing Edna: Gender Performativity in Kate Chopin’s "The Awakening", Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie, 2011 / Tom 12 / Numer 11, s. 39 - 47
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Myk", title = "Undoing Edna: Gender Performativity in Kate Chopin’s "The Awakening"", journal = "Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie", issue = "2011 / Tom 12 / Numer 11", pages = "39 - 47" }
Traversing gendered spaces with Nicole Brossard's Lesbians: Figurations of Nomadic Subjectivity in Picture Theory Opublikowano w: Review of International American Studies 2011 / Tom 5 / Numer 1-2 / s. 89 - 1142011CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Myk, Traversing gendered spaces with Nicole Brossard's Lesbians: Figurations of Nomadic Subjectivity in Picture Theory, Review of International American Studies, 2011 / Tom 5 / Numer 1-2, s. 89 - 114
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Myk", title = "Traversing gendered spaces with Nicole Brossard's Lesbians: Figurations of Nomadic Subjectivity in Picture Theory", journal = "Review of International American Studies", issue = "2011 / Tom 5 / Numer 1-2", pages = "89 - 114" }
Let Rhoda Speak Again: Identity, Uncertainty, and Authority in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves Opublikowano w: Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture 2011 / Tom 1 / s. 106 - 1222011CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Myk, Let Rhoda Speak Again: Identity, Uncertainty, and Authority in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2011 / Tom 1, s. 106 - 122
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Myk", title = "Let Rhoda Speak Again: Identity, Uncertainty, and Authority in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2011 / Tom 1", pages = "106 - 122" }
Tracing the Form of Compassion : Homelessness in Leslie Scalapino's "bum series" Opublikowano w: Kultura Popularna 2018 / Numer 1 (55) / s. 132 - 1412018CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Myk, Tracing the Form of Compassion : Homelessness in Leslie Scalapino's "bum series", Kultura Popularna, 2018 / Numer 1 (55), s. 132 - 141
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Myk", title = "Tracing the Form of Compassion : Homelessness in Leslie Scalapino's "bum series"", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2018 / Numer 1 (55)", pages = "132 - 141" }
"Skrajny przekształt" : negantopijna praca wiersza wobec reżimu technicznego życia : (o "Noworadiowej" Karola Bartczaka) Opublikowano w: ER(R)GO. Teoria–Literatura–Kultura 2021 / Numer 1 (42) / s. 149 - 1662021CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Myk, "Skrajny przekształt" : negantopijna praca wiersza wobec reżimu technicznego życia : (o "Noworadiowej" Karola Bartczaka) , ER(R)GO. Teoria–Literatura–Kultura, 2021 / Numer 1 (42), s. 149 - 166
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Myk", title = ""Skrajny przekształt" : negantopijna praca wiersza wobec reżimu technicznego życia : (o "Noworadiowej" Karola Bartczaka) ", journal = "ER(R)GO. Teoria–Literatura–Kultura", issue = "2021 / Numer 1 (42)", pages = "149 - 166" }