Jiri Dostal
2 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
E-learning and its application within the Czech tertiary education system Opublikowano w: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka 2012 / Tom 3 / Numer 2 / s. 89 - 1032012CZYSTY TEKST
Miroslav Chraska, Jiri Dostal, Milan Klement, E-learning and its application within the Czech tertiary education system, Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka, 2012 / Tom 3 / Numer 2, s. 89 - 103
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Miroslav Chraska, Jiri Dostal, Milan Klement", title = "E-learning and its application within the Czech tertiary education system", journal = "Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka", issue = "2012 / Tom 3 / Numer 2", pages = "89 - 103" }
Inquiry-based Approach in Technical Education Opublikowano w: Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka 2016 / Numer 2(16) / s. 93 - 982016CZYSTY TEKST
Jiri Dostal, Maria Kożuchova, Inquiry-based Approach in Technical Education, Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka, 2016 / Numer 2(16), s. 93 - 98
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jiri Dostal, Maria Kożuchova", title = "Inquiry-based Approach in Technical Education", journal = "Edukacja - Technika - Informatyka", issue = "2016 / Numer 2(16)", pages = "93 - 98" }