Negrea Alina
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Supporting regional competitiveness through innovation: Case study: Sud Muntenia Opublikowano w: Journal of International Studies 2013 / Tom 6 / Numer 1 / s. 51 - 582013CZYSTY TEKST
Negrea Alina, Petronela Valentin Cojanu, Supporting regional competitiveness through innovation: Case study: Sud Muntenia , Journal of International Studies, 2013 / Tom 6 / Numer 1, s. 51 - 58
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Negrea Alina, Petronela Valentin Cojanu", title = "Supporting regional competitiveness through innovation: Case study: Sud Muntenia ", journal = "Journal of International Studies", issue = "2013 / Tom 6 / Numer 1", pages = "51 - 58" }