Csongor István Nagy
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
A Chicago-School Island in the Ordo-liberal Sea? The Hungarian Competition Office’s Relaxed Treatment of Abuse of Dominant Position Cases Opublikowano w: Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies 2013 / Tom 6 (8) / s. 53 - 742013CZYSTY TEKST
Csongor István Nagy, A Chicago-School Island in the Ordo-liberal Sea? The Hungarian Competition Office’s Relaxed Treatment of Abuse of Dominant Position Cases, Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2013 / Tom 6 (8), s. 53 - 74
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Csongor István Nagy", title = "A Chicago-School Island in the Ordo-liberal Sea? The Hungarian Competition Office’s Relaxed Treatment of Abuse of Dominant Position Cases", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2013 / Tom 6 (8)", pages = "53 - 74" }