Antonio Francisco Almeida Cardoso
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Importance of Visualization to Postural Stability in amateur Boxers Opublikowano w: Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports 2014 / Tom 14 / Numer 2 / s. 23 - 282014CZYSTY TEKST
Antonio Francisco Almeida Cardoso, Wojciech Bajorek, Wiesław Błach, Wojciech Czarny, Sławomir Drozd, Paweł Król, Marian Rzepko, Importance of Visualization to Postural Stability in amateur Boxers, Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports, 2014 / Tom 14 / Numer 2, s. 23 - 28
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Antonio Francisco Almeida Cardoso, Wojciech Bajorek, Wiesław Błach, Wojciech Czarny, Sławomir Drozd, Paweł Król, Marian Rzepko", title = "Importance of Visualization to Postural Stability in amateur Boxers", journal = "Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports", issue = "2014 / Tom 14 / Numer 2", pages = "23 - 28" }