Antri Avraamidou
1 articles in 1 journals
Visualized learning design: the challenges of transferring an innovation in the Cyprus educational system Published in: Teaching English with Technology 2012 / Tom 12 / Numer 2 / p. 3 - 172012Plain Text
Antri Avraamidou, Anastasia Economou, Visualized learning design: the challenges of transferring an innovation in the Cyprus educational system, Teaching English with Technology, 2012 / Tom 12 / Numer 2, s. 3 - 17
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Antri Avraamidou, Anastasia Economou", title = "Visualized learning design: the challenges of transferring an innovation in the Cyprus educational system", journal = "Teaching English with Technology", issue = "2012 / Tom 12 / Numer 2", pages = "3 - 17" }