The Level of Social Capital, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Countries of the European Union (EU) Opublikowano w: European Spatial Research and Policy 2014 / Tom 21 / Numer 1 / s. 123 - 1362014CZYSTY TEKST
Ivana Hvižďáková, Nataša Urbančíková, The Level of Social Capital, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Countries of the European Union (EU), European Spatial Research and Policy, 2014 / Tom 21 / Numer 1, s. 123 - 136
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ivana Hvižďáková, Nataša Urbančíková", title = "The Level of Social Capital, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Countries of the European Union (EU)", journal = "European Spatial Research and Policy", issue = "2014 / Tom 21 / Numer 1", pages = "123 - 136" }