Marcin Lisowski
2 artykuły w 2 czasopismach
The use of SNSs in modern recruitment – case study Opublikowano w: Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie 2014 / Tom 15 / Numer 3 / s. 211 - 2242014CZYSTY TEKST
Michał Chmielecki, Marcin Lisowski, The use of SNSs in modern recruitment – case study, Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie, 2014 / Tom 15 / Numer 3, s. 211 - 224
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Chmielecki, Marcin Lisowski", title = "The use of SNSs in modern recruitment – case study", journal = "Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie", issue = "2014 / Tom 15 / Numer 3", pages = "211 - 224" }
The use of social media in Public Relations in Poland and the United Kingdom – case studies from automotive industry Opublikowano w: Journal of Intercultural Management 2013 / Tom 5 / Numer 4 / s. 49 - 642013CZYSTY TEKST
Michał Chmielecki, Marcin Lisowski, The use of social media in Public Relations in Poland and the United Kingdom – case studies from automotive industry, Journal of Intercultural Management, 2013 / Tom 5 / Numer 4, s. 49 - 64
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Chmielecki, Marcin Lisowski", title = "The use of social media in Public Relations in Poland and the United Kingdom – case studies from automotive industry", journal = "Journal of Intercultural Management", issue = "2013 / Tom 5 / Numer 4", pages = "49 - 64" }