Louis Albrechts
2 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Rereading the sixties: reconsidering planning as a vehicle for structural change Opublikowano w: European Spatial Research and Policy 1994 / Tom 1 / Numer 1 / s. 19 - 311994CZYSTY TEKST
Louis Albrechts, Rereading the sixties: reconsidering planning as a vehicle for structural change, European Spatial Research and Policy, 1994 / Tom 1 / Numer 1, s. 19 - 31
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Louis Albrechts", title = "Rereading the sixties: reconsidering planning as a vehicle for structural change", journal = "European Spatial Research and Policy", issue = "1994 / Tom 1 / Numer 1", pages = "19 - 31" }
"The changing institutional landscape of planning, eds. Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden, Artur Da Rosa Pires, Aldershot 2001; "Contemporary issues in regional planning", Tim Marshall, John Glasson, Peter Headicar, Aldershot 2002 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: European Spatial Research and Policy 2003 / Tom 10 / Numer 1 / s. 109 - 1102003CZYSTY TEKST
Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden, John Glasson, Peter Headicar, Tim Marshall, Artur Da Rosa Pires, Henk Voogd, "The changing institutional landscape of planning, eds. Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden, Artur Da Rosa Pires, Aldershot 2001; "Contemporary issues in regional planning", Tim Marshall, John Glasson, Peter Headicar, Aldershot 2002 : [recenzja], European Spatial Research and Policy, 2003 / Tom 10 / Numer 1, s. 109 - 110
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden, John Glasson, Peter Headicar, Tim Marshall, Artur Da Rosa Pires, Henk Voogd", title = ""The changing institutional landscape of planning, eds. Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden, Artur Da Rosa Pires, Aldershot 2001; "Contemporary issues in regional planning", Tim Marshall, John Glasson, Peter Headicar, Aldershot 2002 : [recenzja]", journal = "European Spatial Research and Policy", issue = "2003 / Tom 10 / Numer 1", pages = "109 - 110" }