New Trends in the Geographical Organisation of Society: Integration and Differentiation within a Unifying Europe Opublikowano w: European Spatial Research and Policy 2004 / Tom 11 / Numer 1 / s. 5 - 62004CZYSTY TEKST
Jiří Blažek, Petr Dostál, Tassilo Herrschel, Ludčk Sýkora, New Trends in the Geographical Organisation of Society: Integration and Differentiation within a Unifying Europe, European Spatial Research and Policy, 2004 / Tom 11 / Numer 1, s. 5 - 6
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jiří Blažek, Petr Dostál, Tassilo Herrschel, Ludčk Sýkora", title = "New Trends in the Geographical Organisation of Society: Integration and Differentiation within a Unifying Europe", journal = "European Spatial Research and Policy", issue = "2004 / Tom 11 / Numer 1", pages = "5 - 6" }