Aleksandra Cisłak
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
The Impact of Social Competence Training on Satisfaction with Life among the Unemployed : the Role of Sense of Coherence and System Justification Opublikowano w: Civitas et Lex 2016 / Numer 2 (10) / s. 21 - 322016CZYSTY TEKST
Aleksandra Cisłak, Iwona Dziugieł, The Impact of Social Competence Training on Satisfaction with Life among the Unemployed : the Role of Sense of Coherence and System Justification, Civitas et Lex, 2016 / Numer 2 (10), s. 21 - 32
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aleksandra Cisłak, Iwona Dziugieł", title = "The Impact of Social Competence Training on Satisfaction with Life among the Unemployed : the Role of Sense of Coherence and System Justification", journal = "Civitas et Lex", issue = "2016 / Numer 2 (10)", pages = "21 - 32" }