Paulina Ambroży
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
"It ghosts" : Language as a Haunted Dwelling in Selected Poems by Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore Opublikowano w: Kultura Popularna 2018 / Numer 1 (55) / s. 96 - 1092018CZYSTY TEKST
Paulina Ambroży, "It ghosts" : Language as a Haunted Dwelling in Selected Poems by Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore, Kultura Popularna, 2018 / Numer 1 (55), s. 96 - 109
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paulina Ambroży", title = ""It ghosts" : Language as a Haunted Dwelling in Selected Poems by Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2018 / Numer 1 (55)", pages = "96 - 109" }