Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński
5 artykuły w 3 czasopismach
Assesment of the International Court of Justice judgment to 2012 and the Supreme Court judgment in Poland to 2010 Opublikowano w: Security Dimensions. International & National Studies 2015 / Numer 2 (14) / s. 54 - 662015CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński, Assesment of the International Court of Justice judgment to 2012 and the Supreme Court judgment in Poland to 2010, Security Dimensions. International & National Studies, 2015 / Numer 2 (14), s. 54 - 66
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński", title = "Assesment of the International Court of Justice judgment to 2012 and the Supreme Court judgment in Poland to 2010", journal = "Security Dimensions. International & National Studies", issue = "2015 / Numer 2 (14)", pages = "54 - 66" }
Grexit as a Challenge to the European Integrity Opublikowano w: Security Dimensions. International & National Studies 2016 / Numer 2 (18) / s. 164 - 1892016CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński, Grexit as a Challenge to the European Integrity, Security Dimensions. International & National Studies, 2016 / Numer 2 (18), s. 164 - 189
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński", title = "Grexit as a Challenge to the European Integrity", journal = "Security Dimensions. International & National Studies", issue = "2016 / Numer 2 (18)", pages = "164 - 189" }
Innovative management of Poland’s shale industry Opublikowano w: Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie : czasopismo naukowe o problemach współczesnego zarządzania 2015 / Tom 20 / Numer 1 / s. 53 - 652015CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński, Cezary Tomasz Szyjko, Innovative management of Poland’s shale industry, Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie : czasopismo naukowe o problemach współczesnego zarządzania, 2015 / Tom 20 / Numer 1, s. 53 - 65
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński, Cezary Tomasz Szyjko", title = "Innovative management of Poland’s shale industry", journal = "Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie : czasopismo naukowe o problemach współczesnego zarządzania", issue = "2015 / Tom 20 / Numer 1", pages = "53 - 65" }
Short introduction to shale gas extraction and production in Poland Opublikowano w: Security Dimensions. International & National Studies 2014 / Numer 2 (12) / s. 46 - 682014CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński, Short introduction to shale gas extraction and production in Poland , Security Dimensions. International & National Studies, 2014 / Numer 2 (12), s. 46 - 68
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński", title = "Short introduction to shale gas extraction and production in Poland ", journal = "Security Dimensions. International & National Studies", issue = "2014 / Numer 2 (12)", pages = "46 - 68" }
Sovereign wealth funds selected issues Opublikowano w: Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka-Praktyka-Refleksje 2014 / Numer 16 / s. 154 - 1652014CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński, Sovereign wealth funds selected issues, Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka-Praktyka-Refleksje, 2014 / Numer 16, s. 154 - 165
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Jerzy Gruszczyński", title = "Sovereign wealth funds selected issues", journal = "Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka-Praktyka-Refleksje", issue = "2014 / Numer 16", pages = "154 - 165" }