Mongi Arfaoui
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Return Dynamics and Volatility Spillovers Between FOREX and Stock Markets in MENA Countries: What to Remember for Portfolio Choice? Opublikowano w: International Journal of Management and Economics 2015 / Tom 46 / s. 72 - 1002015CZYSTY TEKST
Mongi Arfaoui, Aymen Ben Rejeb, Return Dynamics and Volatility Spillovers Between FOREX and Stock Markets in MENA Countries: What to Remember for Portfolio Choice?, International Journal of Management and Economics, 2015 / Tom 46, s. 72 - 100
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mongi Arfaoui, Aymen Ben Rejeb", title = "Return Dynamics and Volatility Spillovers Between FOREX and Stock Markets in MENA Countries: What to Remember for Portfolio Choice?", journal = "International Journal of Management and Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 46", pages = "72 - 100" }