William O’Brochta
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Did natural resource wealth motivate fighting in the Bosnian War? Opublikowano w: Journal of International Studies 2016 / Tom 9 / Numer 1 / s. 27 - 432016CZYSTY TEKST
William O’Brochta, Did natural resource wealth motivate fighting in the Bosnian War?, Journal of International Studies, 2016 / Tom 9 / Numer 1, s. 27 - 43
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " William O’Brochta", title = "Did natural resource wealth motivate fighting in the Bosnian War?", journal = "Journal of International Studies", issue = "2016 / Tom 9 / Numer 1", pages = "27 - 43" }