Aribido Adeniyi Jude
1 articles in 1 journals
Introduction to Underwater Archaeology in Nigeria: a New Perspective of Enquiry about Human Past Published in: Ad Rem: Kwartalnik Akademicki 2016 / Numer 1-4 / p. 82016Plain Text
Aribido Adeniyi Jude, Introduction to Underwater Archaeology in Nigeria: a New Perspective of Enquiry about Human Past, Ad Rem: Kwartalnik Akademicki, 2016 / Numer 1-4, s. 8
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aribido Adeniyi Jude", title = "Introduction to Underwater Archaeology in Nigeria: a New Perspective of Enquiry about Human Past", journal = "Ad Rem: Kwartalnik Akademicki", issue = "2016 / Numer 1-4", pages = "8" }