Olga Slipa
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Information systems in the enterprises of highly technological economic sector and their impact on the safety of business entities Opublikowano w: Security Dimensions. International & National Studies 2015 / Numer 2 (14) / s. 36 - 422015CZYSTY TEKST
Olga Slipa, Zinajda Zhyvko, Information systems in the enterprises of highly technological economic sector and their impact on the safety of business entities, Security Dimensions. International & National Studies, 2015 / Numer 2 (14), s. 36 - 42
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Olga Slipa, Zinajda Zhyvko", title = "Information systems in the enterprises of highly technological economic sector and their impact on the safety of business entities", journal = "Security Dimensions. International & National Studies", issue = "2015 / Numer 2 (14)", pages = "36 - 42" }