The effectiveness of the experimental content of physical education in improving morphofunctional indexes of students of Medical College Opublikowano w: Journal of Education, Health and Sport 2016 / Tom 6 / Numer 9 / s. 797 - 8042016CZYSTY TEKST
G. V. Kubaj, G. A. Iedinak, L. L. Halamandzhuk, The effectiveness of the experimental content of physical education in improving morphofunctional indexes of students of Medical College, Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2016 / Tom 6 / Numer 9, s. 797 - 804
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " G. V. Kubaj, G. A. Iedinak, L. L. Halamandzhuk", title = "The effectiveness of the experimental content of physical education in improving morphofunctional indexes of students of Medical College", journal = "Journal of Education, Health and Sport", issue = "2016 / Tom 6 / Numer 9", pages = "797 - 804" }