Ashigur Rahman
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
The Role of Entrepreneur´s Gender, Age and Firm´s Age in Autonomy: The Case Study from the Czech Republic Opublikowano w: Economics and Sociology 2016 / Tom 9 / Numer 2 / s. 168 - 1822016CZYSTY TEKST
Ludmila Kozubíková, Ashigur Rahman, Luboš Smrčka, Sergej Vojtovič, The Role of Entrepreneur´s Gender, Age and Firm´s Age in Autonomy: The Case Study from the Czech Republic, Economics and Sociology, 2016 / Tom 9 / Numer 2, s. 168 - 182
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ludmila Kozubíková, Ashigur Rahman, Luboš Smrčka, Sergej Vojtovič", title = "The Role of Entrepreneur´s Gender, Age and Firm´s Age in Autonomy: The Case Study from the Czech Republic", journal = "Economics and Sociology", issue = "2016 / Tom 9 / Numer 2", pages = "168 - 182" }