Nitric oxide metabolites content in response to application of ointment with methyluracil and silver nanoparticles when exposed to ultraviolet irradiation of skin in guinea pigs Opublikowano w: Journal of Education, Health and Sport 2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 11 / s. 169 - 1782014CZYSTY TEKST
T. Zvyagintseva, S. Myronchenko, V. Grin’, Nitric oxide metabolites content in response to application of ointment with methyluracil and silver nanoparticles when exposed to ultraviolet irradiation of skin in guinea pigs, Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 11, s. 169 - 178
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " T. Zvyagintseva, S. Myronchenko, V. Grin’", title = "Nitric oxide metabolites content in response to application of ointment with methyluracil and silver nanoparticles when exposed to ultraviolet irradiation of skin in guinea pigs", journal = "Journal of Education, Health and Sport", issue = "2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 11", pages = "169 - 178" }