Petr Reich
3 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Comparison of the physical activity in the daily program between youth basketball players and adolescents aged from 16 to 17 years in the Czech Republic Opublikowano w: Journal of Education, Health and Sport 2016 / Tom 6 / Numer 13 / s. 174 - 1822016CZYSTY TEKST
Ludmila Miklánková, Vítězslav Prukner, Zdeněk Rechtik, Petr Reich, Comparison of the physical activity in the daily program between youth basketball players and adolescents aged from 16 to 17 years in the Czech Republic, Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2016 / Tom 6 / Numer 13, s. 174 - 182
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ludmila Miklánková, Vítězslav Prukner, Zdeněk Rechtik, Petr Reich", title = "Comparison of the physical activity in the daily program between youth basketball players and adolescents aged from 16 to 17 years in the Czech Republic", journal = "Journal of Education, Health and Sport", issue = "2016 / Tom 6 / Numer 13", pages = "174 - 182" }
Physical activity as a form of prevention against drugs usage among adolescents Opublikowano w: Journal of Education, Health and Sport 2013 / Tom 3 / Numer 13 / s. 83 - 922013CZYSTY TEKST
Ludmila Miklánková, Zdeněk Rechtik, Petr Reich, Physical activity as a form of prevention against drugs usage among adolescents, Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2013 / Tom 3 / Numer 13, s. 83 - 92
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ludmila Miklánková, Zdeněk Rechtik, Petr Reich", title = "Physical activity as a form of prevention against drugs usage among adolescents", journal = "Journal of Education, Health and Sport", issue = "2013 / Tom 3 / Numer 13", pages = "83 - 92" }
Substances in the life of children 8–10 years old Opublikowano w: Journal of Education, Health and Sport 2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 13 / s. 85 - 942014CZYSTY TEKST
Iva Klimešová, Ludmila Miklánková, Zdeněk Rechtik, Petr Reich, Substances in the life of children 8–10 years old, Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 13, s. 85 - 94
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iva Klimešová, Ludmila Miklánková, Zdeněk Rechtik, Petr Reich", title = "Substances in the life of children 8–10 years old", journal = "Journal of Education, Health and Sport", issue = "2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 13", pages = "85 - 94" }