Aneta Zofia Dąbrowska
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
The evaluation of attractiveness of tourism products in the Warmia and Mazury in Poland Opublikowano w: Service Management 2015 / Tom 15 / Numer 1 / s. 23 - 292015CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Michalina Batyk, Aneta Zofia Dąbrowska, The evaluation of attractiveness of tourism products in the Warmia and Mazury in Poland, Service Management, 2015 / Tom 15 / Numer 1, s. 23 - 29
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Michalina Batyk, Aneta Zofia Dąbrowska", title = "The evaluation of attractiveness of tourism products in the Warmia and Mazury in Poland", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2015 / Tom 15 / Numer 1", pages = "23 - 29" }