Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Social conflicts in postmodern society : the case of Polish tensions in the 21st century Opublikowano w: Political Preferences 2016 / Numer 13 / s. 5 - 202016CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska, Social conflicts in postmodern society : the case of Polish tensions in the 21st century, Political Preferences, 2016 / Numer 13, s. 5 - 20
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska", title = "Social conflicts in postmodern society : the case of Polish tensions in the 21st century", journal = "Political Preferences", issue = "2016 / Numer 13", pages = "5 - 20" }