Rasoul Afzali
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
The Study of the Effects of US Geopolitical Policies on the Divergence of the Islamic World : Case Study - Southwest Asia Opublikowano w: Przegląd Strategiczny 2022 / Tom 12 / Numer 15 / s. 265 - 2812022CZYSTY TEKST
Rasoul Afzali, Seyedmohammad Seyedi Asl, The Study of the Effects of US Geopolitical Policies on the Divergence of the Islamic World : Case Study - Southwest Asia , Przegląd Strategiczny, 2022 / Tom 12 / Numer 15, s. 265 - 281
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rasoul Afzali, Seyedmohammad Seyedi Asl", title = "The Study of the Effects of US Geopolitical Policies on the Divergence of the Islamic World : Case Study - Southwest Asia ", journal = "Przegląd Strategiczny", issue = "2022 / Tom 12 / Numer 15", pages = "265 - 281" }