Joanna Roś
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
A interview with Marcin Dolecki, the author of the novel “Philosopher’s Crystal : The Treacherous Terrain of Tassatarius” Opublikowano w: Amor Fati 2017 / Numer 2 (8) / s. 15 - 232017CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Dolecki, Joanna Roś, A interview with Marcin Dolecki, the author of the novel “Philosopher’s Crystal : The Treacherous Terrain of Tassatarius” , Amor Fati, 2017 / Numer 2 (8), s. 15 - 23
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Dolecki, Joanna Roś", title = "A interview with Marcin Dolecki, the author of the novel “Philosopher’s Crystal : The Treacherous Terrain of Tassatarius” ", journal = "Amor Fati", issue = "2017 / Numer 2 (8)", pages = "15 - 23" }