Brian McHale
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
"Postmodernist Ffiction", Brian McHale, New York-London 1987 ; "A poetics of Postmodernzim: history, theory, fiction", Linda Hutcheon, New York-London 1988 ; "The politics of Postmodernism", Linda Hutcheon, New York-London 1989 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich / The Problems of Literary Genres 1992 / Tom 34 / Numer 1-2(67-68) / s. 107 - 1101992CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Chrzanowska-Karpińska, Linda Hutcheon, Brian McHale, "Postmodernist Ffiction", Brian McHale, New York-London 1987 ; "A poetics of Postmodernzim: history, theory, fiction", Linda Hutcheon, New York-London 1988 ; "The politics of Postmodernism", Linda Hutcheon, New York-London 1989 : [recenzja], Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich / The Problems of Literary Genres, 1992 / Tom 34 / Numer 1-2(67-68), s. 107 - 110
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Chrzanowska-Karpińska, Linda Hutcheon, Brian McHale", title = ""Postmodernist Ffiction", Brian McHale, New York-London 1987 ; "A poetics of Postmodernzim: history, theory, fiction", Linda Hutcheon, New York-London 1988 ; "The politics of Postmodernism", Linda Hutcheon, New York-London 1989 : [recenzja]", journal = "Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich / The Problems of Literary Genres", issue = "1992 / Tom 34 / Numer 1-2(67-68)", pages = "107 - 110" }