Marcin Adamczyk
3 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Analysis of the Foreign Policy of the Country through its Determinants, Structure and Instruments : Potential Research Scenarios Opublikowano w: Historia i Polityka 2020 / Numer 32 (39) / s. 39 - 512020CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Adamczyk, Patrycja Rutkowska, Analysis of the Foreign Policy of the Country through its Determinants, Structure and Instruments : Potential Research Scenarios , Historia i Polityka, 2020 / Numer 32 (39), s. 39 - 51
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Adamczyk, Patrycja Rutkowska", title = "Analysis of the Foreign Policy of the Country through its Determinants, Structure and Instruments : Potential Research Scenarios ", journal = "Historia i Polityka", issue = "2020 / Numer 32 (39)", pages = "39 - 51" }
Arms Trade in the Current Military Relations between the People's Republic of China and Ukraine, and Its Role in Development of the Chinese Military Potential Opublikowano w: Historia i Polityka 2019 / Numer 28 (35) / s. 71 - 852019CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Adamczyk, Patrycja Rutkowska, Arms Trade in the Current Military Relations between the People's Republic of China and Ukraine, and Its Role in Development of the Chinese Military Potential , Historia i Polityka, 2019 / Numer 28 (35), s. 71 - 85
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Adamczyk, Patrycja Rutkowska", title = "Arms Trade in the Current Military Relations between the People's Republic of China and Ukraine, and Its Role in Development of the Chinese Military Potential ", journal = "Historia i Polityka", issue = "2019 / Numer 28 (35)", pages = "71 - 85" }
The Islam State as a Potential Threat to the National Security of the People's Republic of China Opublikowano w: Historia i Polityka 2019 / Numer 30 (37) / s. 131 - 1452019CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Adamczyk, The Islam State as a Potential Threat to the National Security of the People's Republic of China , Historia i Polityka, 2019 / Numer 30 (37), s. 131 - 145
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Adamczyk", title = "The Islam State as a Potential Threat to the National Security of the People's Republic of China ", journal = "Historia i Polityka", issue = "2019 / Numer 30 (37)", pages = "131 - 145" }