Andrei Richter
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe : Interview with Professor Andrei Richter — Director of the OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media on the state of media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe Opublikowano w: Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association 2015 / Tom 8 / Numer 1 (14) / s. 146 - 1492015CZYSTY TEKST
Michał Głowacki, Andrei Richter, Media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe : Interview with Professor Andrei Richter — Director of the OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media on the state of media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2015 / Tom 8 / Numer 1 (14), s. 146 - 149
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Głowacki, Andrei Richter", title = "Media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe : Interview with Professor Andrei Richter — Director of the OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media on the state of media freedom in Central and Eastern Europe ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2015 / Tom 8 / Numer 1 (14)", pages = "146 - 149" }