Pier Luigi Zaccatelli
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
The Radical Aesthetics of the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA) Opublikowano w: Studia Humanistyczne AGH 2017 / Tom 16 / Numer 4 / s. 21 - 372017CZYSTY TEKST
Raffaella Di Marzio, Massimo Introvigne, Pier Luigi Zaccatelli, The Radical Aesthetics of the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA) , Studia Humanistyczne AGH, 2017 / Tom 16 / Numer 4, s. 21 - 37
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Raffaella Di Marzio, Massimo Introvigne, Pier Luigi Zaccatelli", title = "The Radical Aesthetics of the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA) ", journal = "Studia Humanistyczne AGH", issue = "2017 / Tom 16 / Numer 4", pages = "21 - 37" }