Paulina Szymczak
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Is there a connection between Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes? Opublikowano w: Journal of Education, Health and Sport 2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 8 / s. 153 - 1622014CZYSTY TEKST
Natalia Ciesielska, Agnieszka Czajkowska, Sylwia Ferenc, Remigiusz Sokołowski, Paulina Szymczak, Walery Zukow, Is there a connection between Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes?, Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 8, s. 153 - 162
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Natalia Ciesielska, Agnieszka Czajkowska, Sylwia Ferenc, Remigiusz Sokołowski, Paulina Szymczak, Walery Zukow", title = "Is there a connection between Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes?", journal = "Journal of Education, Health and Sport", issue = "2014 / Tom 4 / Numer 8", pages = "153 - 162" }