Grzegorz Dutka
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Between Actual and Virtual Reality : Technologies and Functionalities of Devices in the Buying Process from the Perspective of (Polish) Consumers Opublikowano w: Studia Humanistyczne AGH 2019 / Tom 18 / Numer 3 / s. 75 - 892019CZYSTY TEKST
Grzegorz Dutka, Aldona Guzik, Between Actual and Virtual Reality : Technologies and Functionalities of Devices in the Buying Process from the Perspective of (Polish) Consumers , Studia Humanistyczne AGH, 2019 / Tom 18 / Numer 3, s. 75 - 89
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grzegorz Dutka, Aldona Guzik", title = "Between Actual and Virtual Reality : Technologies and Functionalities of Devices in the Buying Process from the Perspective of (Polish) Consumers ", journal = "Studia Humanistyczne AGH", issue = "2019 / Tom 18 / Numer 3", pages = "75 - 89" }