Recep Baydemir
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Problems Encountered by the Syrians in the Context of Cultural Conflict and Integration : A Case Study of Şanliurfa City Opublikowano w: The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies 2019 / Numer 2 / s. 89 - 1162019CZYSTY TEKST
Recep Baydemir, Sedat Benek, Problems Encountered by the Syrians in the Context of Cultural Conflict and Integration : A Case Study of Şanliurfa City , The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies, 2019 / Numer 2, s. 89 - 116
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Recep Baydemir, Sedat Benek", title = "Problems Encountered by the Syrians in the Context of Cultural Conflict and Integration : A Case Study of Şanliurfa City ", journal = "The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies", issue = "2019 / Numer 2", pages = "89 - 116" }