Esteban Ariel Aedo-Munoz
1 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Frami Software Protocol for Taekwondo : Development Reliability and Reproducibility Opublikowano w: Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports 2021 / Tom 21 / Numer 4 / s. 36 - 462021CZYSTY TEKST
Esteban Ariel Aedo-Munoz, Destter Alacks Antonietto, Lindsei Brabec Mota Barreto, Ciro Jose Brito, Bianca Miarka, Cinthya Luiza Rezende Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Vargas Barrientos, Frami Software Protocol for Taekwondo : Development Reliability and Reproducibility , Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports, 2021 / Tom 21 / Numer 4, s. 36 - 46
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Esteban Ariel Aedo-Munoz, Destter Alacks Antonietto, Lindsei Brabec Mota Barreto, Ciro Jose Brito, Bianca Miarka, Cinthya Luiza Rezende Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Vargas Barrientos", title = "Frami Software Protocol for Taekwondo : Development Reliability and Reproducibility ", journal = "Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports", issue = "2021 / Tom 21 / Numer 4", pages = "36 - 46" }