Κ. Κ. Zel'in
5 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
"Delfskiye manumissii kak istochnik po istorii rabstva v Gretzii = The Delphic Manumissions as Sources on the History of Slavery in Greece", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, [w:] "The Conference on the Study of the Problems of Antiquity, 9-14 April 1964, Leningrad, The Theses and Reports", Moscow 1964 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1971 / Tom 16-17 / s. 2061971CZYSTY TEKST
Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "Delfskiye manumissii kak istochnik po istorii rabstva v Gretzii = The Delphic Manumissions as Sources on the History of Slavery in Greece", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, [w:] "The Conference on the Study of the Problems of Antiquity, 9-14 April 1964, Leningrad, The Theses and Reports", Moscow 1964 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1971 / Tom 16-17, s. 206
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in", title = ""Delfskiye manumissii kak istochnik po istorii rabstva v Gretzii = The Delphic Manumissions as Sources on the History of Slavery in Greece", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, [w:] "The Conference on the Study of the Problems of Antiquity, 9-14 April 1964, Leningrad, The Theses and Reports", Moscow 1964 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1971 / Tom 16-17", pages = "206" }
"Delfiiskiye manumissii kak istochnik po istorii rabstva v Gretzii v ellenisticheskuyu epokhu = The Delphic Manumissions in Greece as a Source on the History of Slavery in Greece in the Hellenistic Epoch", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1965, nr 3 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1971 / Tom 16-17 / s. 2071971CZYSTY TEKST
Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "Delfiiskiye manumissii kak istochnik po istorii rabstva v Gretzii v ellenisticheskuyu epokhu = The Delphic Manumissions in Greece as a Source on the History of Slavery in Greece in the Hellenistic Epoch", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1965, nr 3 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1971 / Tom 16-17, s. 207
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in", title = ""Delfiiskiye manumissii kak istochnik po istorii rabstva v Gretzii v ellenisticheskuyu epokhu = The Delphic Manumissions in Greece as a Source on the History of Slavery in Greece in the Hellenistic Epoch", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1965, nr 3 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1971 / Tom 16-17", pages = "207" }
"Novyye publikatsii papirusov po istorii Egipta i Sirii s kontsa III do nachala VIII v.n.e. = New Publications of the Papyri Concerning the History of Egypt and Syria from the End of the 3rd to the Beginning of the 8th cent. A.D.", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1964, nr 4 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1971 / Tom 16-17 / s. 2071971CZYSTY TEKST
Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "Novyye publikatsii papirusov po istorii Egipta i Sirii s kontsa III do nachala VIII v.n.e. = New Publications of the Papyri Concerning the History of Egypt and Syria from the End of the 3rd to the Beginning of the 8th cent. A.D.", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1964, nr 4 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1971 / Tom 16-17, s. 207
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in", title = ""Novyye publikatsii papirusov po istorii Egipta i Sirii s kontsa III do nachala VIII v.n.e. = New Publications of the Papyri Concerning the History of Egypt and Syria from the End of the 3rd to the Beginning of the 8th cent. A.D.", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1964, nr 4 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1971 / Tom 16-17", pages = "207" }
"Issledovaniya po istorii zemel'nykh otnosheniy v ellenisticheskom Egiptie II-I v. do n.e. = Studies in the history of agrarian relations in the Hellenistic Egypt in the II-I centuries B.C.", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, Moscow 1960 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1965 / Tom 15 / s. 4191965CZYSTY TEKST
Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "Issledovaniya po istorii zemel'nykh otnosheniy v ellenisticheskom Egiptie II-I v. do n.e. = Studies in the history of agrarian relations in the Hellenistic Egypt in the II-I centuries B.C.", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, Moscow 1960 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1965 / Tom 15, s. 419
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in", title = ""Issledovaniya po istorii zemel'nykh otnosheniy v ellenisticheskom Egiptie II-I v. do n.e. = Studies in the history of agrarian relations in the Hellenistic Egypt in the II-I centuries B.C.", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, Moscow 1960 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1965 / Tom 15", pages = "419" }
"Iz oblasti grecheskoy istoriografii IV v. do n.e. (v svyazi s орublikovaniem novykh fragmentov "Grecheskoy istorii" iz Oksirinkha) = Greek historiography in the IV century B.C. (on the occasion of the publication of some new fragments of Hellenica Oxyrhynchia", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1960, nr 1 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1965 / Tom 15 / s. 419 - 4201965CZYSTY TEKST
Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "Iz oblasti grecheskoy istoriografii IV v. do n.e. (v svyazi s орublikovaniem novykh fragmentov "Grecheskoy istorii" iz Oksirinkha) = Greek historiography in the IV century B.C. (on the occasion of the publication of some new fragments of Hellenica Oxyrhynchia", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1960, nr 1 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1965 / Tom 15, s. 419 - 420
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Κ. Κ. Zel'in", title = ""Iz oblasti grecheskoy istoriografii IV v. do n.e. (v svyazi s орublikovaniem novykh fragmentov "Grecheskoy istorii" iz Oksirinkha) = Greek historiography in the IV century B.C. (on the occasion of the publication of some new fragments of Hellenica Oxyrhynchia", Κ. Κ. Zel'in, "VDI", 1960, nr 1 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1965 / Tom 15", pages = "419 - 420" }