Iwona Zych
41 artykuły w 8 czasopismach
Tadeusz Baranowski, Teresa Stawiarska, Sylwia Twardo, Iwona Zych, Professor Maria Dekówna , Archaeologia Polona, 2007 / Tom 45, s. 5
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tadeusz Baranowski, Teresa Stawiarska, Sylwia Twardo, Iwona Zych", title = "Professor Maria Dekówna ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2007 / Tom 45", pages = "5" }
Profesorowi Witoldowi Henslowi w dziewięćdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin = To Professor Witold Hensel on his ninetieth birthday Opublikowano w: Archeologia Polski 2007 / Tom 52 / Numer 1-2 / s. 7 - 122007CZYSTY TEKST
Stanisław Tabaczyński, Iwona Zych, Profesorowi Witoldowi Henslowi w dziewięćdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin = To Professor Witold Hensel on his ninetieth birthday , Archeologia Polski, 2007 / Tom 52 / Numer 1-2, s. 7 - 12
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stanisław Tabaczyński, Iwona Zych", title = "Profesorowi Witoldowi Henslowi w dziewięćdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin = To Professor Witold Hensel on his ninetieth birthday ", journal = "Archeologia Polski", issue = "2007 / Tom 52 / Numer 1-2", pages = "7 - 12" }
Berenike and Aynuna : Polish research on the Red Sea :foreword Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 2 / s. 9 - 132017CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Berenike and Aynuna : Polish research on the Red Sea :foreword, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 2, s. 9 - 13
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Berenike and Aynuna : Polish research on the Red Sea :foreword", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 2", pages = "9 - 13" }
Archaeological geophysics in Egypt : the Polish contribution Opublikowano w: Archaeologia Polona 2003 / Tom 41 / s. 13 - 552003CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Herbich, Iwona Zych, Archaeological geophysics in Egypt : the Polish contribution , Archaeologia Polona, 2003 / Tom 41, s. 13 - 55
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Herbich, Iwona Zych", title = "Archaeological geophysics in Egypt : the Polish contribution ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2003 / Tom 41", pages = "13 - 55" }
Evidence of winding technique on glass beads discovered at the Lusatian Culture stronghold in Wicina, site 1 Opublikowano w: Archaeologia Polona 2007 / Tom 45 / s. 27 - 342007CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Purowski, Iwona Zych, Evidence of winding technique on glass beads discovered at the Lusatian Culture stronghold in Wicina, site 1 , Archaeologia Polona, 2007 / Tom 45, s. 27 - 34
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Purowski, Iwona Zych", title = "Evidence of winding technique on glass beads discovered at the Lusatian Culture stronghold in Wicina, site 1 ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2007 / Tom 45", pages = "27 - 34" }
Wooden Coffins from the Moslem Cemetery at Kom El-Dikka Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2003 / Tom 14 / s. 32 - 372003CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Wooden Coffins from the Moslem Cemetery at Kom El-Dikka, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2003 / Tom 14, s. 32 - 37
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Wooden Coffins from the Moslem Cemetery at Kom El-Dikka", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2003 / Tom 14", pages = "32 - 37" }
Tomasz Górecki : 1951-2017 Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 1 / s. 34 - 352017CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Tomasz Górecki : 1951-2017, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 1, s. 34 - 35
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Tomasz Górecki : 1951-2017", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 1", pages = "34 - 35" }
Profesor dr hab. Lech Leciejewicz (26.01.1931 - 23.03.2011) Opublikowano w: Archeologia Polski 2012 / Tom 57 / Numer 1-2 / s. 37 - 552012CZYSTY TEKST
Marian Rębkowski, Iwona Zych, Profesor dr hab. Lech Leciejewicz (26.01.1931 - 23.03.2011), Archeologia Polski, 2012 / Tom 57 / Numer 1-2, s. 37 - 55
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marian Rębkowski, Iwona Zych", title = "Profesor dr hab. Lech Leciejewicz (26.01.1931 - 23.03.2011)", journal = "Archeologia Polski", issue = "2012 / Tom 57 / Numer 1-2", pages = "37 - 55" }
Propagandist use of history and archaeology in justification of Polish rights to the "Recovered Territories" after World War II Opublikowano w: Archaeologia Polona 2005 / Tom 43 / s. 51 - 1242005CZYSTY TEKST
Zbigniew Kobyliński, Grażyna Rutkowska, Iwona Zych, Propagandist use of history and archaeology in justification of Polish rights to the "Recovered Territories" after World War II , Archaeologia Polona, 2005 / Tom 43, s. 51 - 124
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Kobyliński, Grażyna Rutkowska, Iwona Zych", title = "Propagandist use of history and archaeology in justification of Polish rights to the "Recovered Territories" after World War II ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2005 / Tom 43", pages = "51 - 124" }
Geophysical reconnaisance at the site of Tanais (Russia) in 1993-2003 Opublikowano w: Archaeologia Polona 2003 / Tom 41 / s. 57 - 782003CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Misiewicz, Iwona Zych, Geophysical reconnaisance at the site of Tanais (Russia) in 1993-2003 , Archaeologia Polona, 2003 / Tom 41, s. 57 - 78
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Misiewicz, Iwona Zych", title = "Geophysical reconnaisance at the site of Tanais (Russia) in 1993-2003 ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2003 / Tom 41", pages = "57 - 78" }
Motifs of the rotunda in scenes of the deposition of Saints into the tomb on Ruthenian icons Opublikowano w: Series Byzantina 2005 / Tom 3 / s. 63 - 872005CZYSTY TEKST
Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Iwona Zych, Motifs of the rotunda in scenes of the deposition of Saints into the tomb on Ruthenian icons, Series Byzantina, 2005 / Tom 3, s. 63 - 87
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Iwona Zych", title = "Motifs of the rotunda in scenes of the deposition of Saints into the tomb on Ruthenian icons", journal = "Series Byzantina", issue = "2005 / Tom 3", pages = "63 - 87" }
Wooden and Leaden Coffins from the Graeco-Roman Burial Ground of Marina El-Alamein Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2003 / Tom 14 / s. 72 - 832003CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Wooden and Leaden Coffins from the Graeco-Roman Burial Ground of Marina El-Alamein, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2003 / Tom 14, s. 72 - 83
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Wooden and Leaden Coffins from the Graeco-Roman Burial Ground of Marina El-Alamein", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2003 / Tom 14", pages = "72 - 83" }
Marina El-Alamein: Excavation Report 2004 Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2005 / Tom 16 / s. 73 - 922005CZYSTY TEKST
Grażyna Bąkowska, Artur Błaszczyk, Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Iwona Zych, Marina El-Alamein: Excavation Report 2004, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2005 / Tom 16, s. 73 - 92
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grażyna Bąkowska, Artur Błaszczyk, Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Iwona Zych", title = "Marina El-Alamein: Excavation Report 2004", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2005 / Tom 16", pages = "73 - 92" }
Marina El-Alamein: Excavation Report, 2005 Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2007 / Tom 17 / s. 75 - 972007CZYSTY TEKST
Grażyna Bąkowska, Artur Błaszczyk, Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Iwona Zych, Marina El-Alamein: Excavation Report, 2005, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2007 / Tom 17, s. 75 - 97
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grażyna Bąkowska, Artur Błaszczyk, Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Iwona Zych", title = "Marina El-Alamein: Excavation Report, 2005", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2007 / Tom 17", pages = "75 - 97" }
Note on an Archaeological Site Near El Dabˁa on the Northwestern Coast of Egypt Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2001 / Tom 12 / s. 77 - 832001CZYSTY TEKST
Wiktor A. Daszkiewicz, Abdel Latif el-Wakil, Grzegorz Majcherek, Iwona Zych, Note on an Archaeological Site Near El Dabˁa on the Northwestern Coast of Egypt, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 77 - 83
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiktor A. Daszkiewicz, Abdel Latif el-Wakil, Grzegorz Majcherek, Iwona Zych", title = "Note on an Archaeological Site Near El Dabˁa on the Northwestern Coast of Egypt", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "77 - 83" }
Marina El-Alamein: Some Ancient Terracotta Lamps from Marina Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2004 / Tom 15 / s. 77 - 902004CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Marina El-Alamein: Some Ancient Terracotta Lamps from Marina, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2004 / Tom 15, s. 77 - 90
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Marina El-Alamein: Some Ancient Terracotta Lamps from Marina", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2004 / Tom 15", pages = "77 - 90" }
Marina El-Alamein: Site Presentation Project (ARCE) Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2008 / Tom 18 / s. 83 - 1002008CZYSTY TEKST
Artur Obłuski, Urszula Wicenciak, Iwona Zych, Marina El-Alamein: Site Presentation Project (ARCE), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2008 / Tom 18, s. 83 - 100
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Artur Obłuski, Urszula Wicenciak, Iwona Zych", title = "Marina El-Alamein: Site Presentation Project (ARCE)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2008 / Tom 18", pages = "83 - 100" }
Introduction Opublikowano w: Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie 1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4 / s. 85 - 881991CZYSTY TEKST
Maria Skubiszewska, Iwona Zych, Introduction , Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie, 1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4, s. 85 - 88
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maria Skubiszewska, Iwona Zych", title = "Introduction ", journal = "Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie", issue = "1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4", pages = "85 - 88" }
Foundation of the Raczyński Family at the National Museum in Poznań Opublikowano w: Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie 1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4 / s. 88 - 891991CZYSTY TEKST
Konstanty Kalinowski, Iwona Zych, Foundation of the Raczyński Family at the National Museum in Poznań , Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie, 1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4, s. 88 - 89
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Konstanty Kalinowski, Iwona Zych", title = "Foundation of the Raczyński Family at the National Museum in Poznań ", journal = "Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie", issue = "1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4", pages = "88 - 89" }
Śledztwo w sprawie modelu z Vounous Opublikowano w: Z Otchłani Wieków : pismo poświęcone pradziejom Polski 1987 / Tom 53 / Numer 2-3-4 / s. 90 - 951987CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Śledztwo w sprawie modelu z Vounous , Z Otchłani Wieków : pismo poświęcone pradziejom Polski, 1987 / Tom 53 / Numer 2-3-4, s. 90 - 95
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Śledztwo w sprawie modelu z Vounous ", journal = "Z Otchłani Wieków : pismo poświęcone pradziejom Polski", issue = "1987 / Tom 53 / Numer 2-3-4", pages = "90 - 95" }
Catalogue of paintings Opublikowano w: Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie 1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4 / s. 90 - 1091991CZYSTY TEKST
Maria Kluk, Janina Michałkowa, Iwona Zych, Catalogue of paintings , Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie, 1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4, s. 90 - 109
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maria Kluk, Janina Michałkowa, Iwona Zych", title = "Catalogue of paintings ", journal = "Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie", issue = "1991 / Tom 32 / Numer 4", pages = "90 - 109" }
Zofipole interdisciplinary research project : fieldwork results Opublikowano w: Archaeologia Polona 2003 / Tom 41 / s. 91 - 1012003CZYSTY TEKST
Halina Dobrzańska, Tomasz Herbich, Iwona Zych, Zofipole interdisciplinary research project : fieldwork results , Archaeologia Polona, 2003 / Tom 41, s. 91 - 101
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Halina Dobrzańska, Tomasz Herbich, Iwona Zych", title = "Zofipole interdisciplinary research project : fieldwork results ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2003 / Tom 41", pages = "91 - 101" }
The harbor of early Roman "Imperial" Berenike : overview of excavations from 2009 to 2015 Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 2 / s. 93 - 1322017CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, The harbor of early Roman "Imperial" Berenike : overview of excavations from 2009 to 2015 , Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 2, s. 93 - 132
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "The harbor of early Roman "Imperial" Berenike : overview of excavations from 2009 to 2015 ", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2017 / Tom 26 / Numer 2", pages = "93 - 132" }
Middle Assyrian Pottery from Polish Excavations on the Site of Tell Rijim (Iraq) : preliminary Study Opublikowano w: Światowit : rocznik poświęcony archeologii przeddziejowej i badaniom pierwotnej kultury polskiej i słowiańskiej 2011 / Tom 9 (50) / Numer A / s. 99 - 1162011CZYSTY TEKST
Dariusz Szeląg, Iwona Zych, Middle Assyrian Pottery from Polish Excavations on the Site of Tell Rijim (Iraq) : preliminary Study , Światowit : rocznik poświęcony archeologii przeddziejowej i badaniom pierwotnej kultury polskiej i słowiańskiej, 2011 / Tom 9 (50) / Numer A, s. 99 - 116
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dariusz Szeląg, Iwona Zych", title = "Middle Assyrian Pottery from Polish Excavations on the Site of Tell Rijim (Iraq) : preliminary Study ", journal = "Światowit : rocznik poświęcony archeologii przeddziejowej i badaniom pierwotnej kultury polskiej i słowiańskiej", issue = "2011 / Tom 9 (50) / Numer A", pages = "99 - 116" }
Aleksandria. Kom El-Dikka Opublikowano w: Informator Archeologiczny : badania 1989 / Tom 23 / s. 102 - 1031989CZYSTY TEKST
Przemysław Gartkiewicz, Wojciech Kołątaj, Renata Kucharczyk, Grzegorz Majcherek, Jolanta Młynarczyk, Tomasz Szmagier, Hanna Szymańska, Iwona Zych, Aleksandria. Kom El-Dikka , Informator Archeologiczny : badania, 1989 / Tom 23, s. 102 - 103
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Przemysław Gartkiewicz, Wojciech Kołątaj, Renata Kucharczyk, Grzegorz Majcherek, Jolanta Młynarczyk, Tomasz Szmagier, Hanna Szymańska, Iwona Zych", title = "Aleksandria. Kom El-Dikka ", journal = "Informator Archeologiczny : badania", issue = "1989 / Tom 23", pages = "102 - 103" }
Jarosław Dobrowolski, Hamdy El-Chazar, Mohammed Hassan Heykal, Aleksandra Krzyżanowska, Adam Łajtar, Karol Myśliwiec, Anna Południkiewicz, Barbara Ruszczyc, Stefan Sadowski, Ibrahim Mohammed Soliman, Iwona Zych, Tell Atrib , Informator Archeologiczny : badania, 1989 / Tom 23, s. 104
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jarosław Dobrowolski, Hamdy El-Chazar, Mohammed Hassan Heykal, Aleksandra Krzyżanowska, Adam Łajtar, Karol Myśliwiec, Anna Południkiewicz, Barbara Ruszczyc, Stefan Sadowski, Ibrahim Mohammed Soliman, Iwona Zych", title = "Tell Atrib ", journal = "Informator Archeologiczny : badania", issue = "1989 / Tom 23", pages = "104" }
Kilka przemyśleń o najwcześniejszych dziejach Państwa Polskiego = Some thoughts on the earliest history of the Polish State Opublikowano w: Archeologia Polski 2008 / Tom 53 / Numer 1 / s. 109 - 1102008CZYSTY TEKST
Witold Hensel, Iwona Zych, Kilka przemyśleń o najwcześniejszych dziejach Państwa Polskiego = Some thoughts on the earliest history of the Polish State , Archeologia Polski, 2008 / Tom 53 / Numer 1, s. 109 - 110
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Witold Hensel, Iwona Zych", title = "Kilka przemyśleń o najwcześniejszych dziejach Państwa Polskiego = Some thoughts on the earliest history of the Polish State ", journal = "Archeologia Polski", issue = "2008 / Tom 53 / Numer 1", pages = "109 - 110" }
The Lvov "Oktoich" of 1630 in the collection of the Jagellonian Library in Cracow Opublikowano w: Series Byzantina 2003 / Tom 1 / s. 127 - 1472003CZYSTY TEKST
Mirosław P. Kruk, Iwona Zych, The Lvov "Oktoich" of 1630 in the collection of the Jagellonian Library in Cracow, Series Byzantina, 2003 / Tom 1, s. 127 - 147
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mirosław P. Kruk, Iwona Zych", title = "The Lvov "Oktoich" of 1630 in the collection of the Jagellonian Library in Cracow", journal = "Series Byzantina", issue = "2003 / Tom 1", pages = "127 - 147" }
Archaeology in the dispute over the national character of Great Poland (Wielkopolska) region in the 19th and early 20th century Opublikowano w: Archaeologia Polona 2004 / Tom 42 / s. 129 - 1542004CZYSTY TEKST
Jarmila Kaczmarek, Iwona Zych, Archaeology in the dispute over the national character of Great Poland (Wielkopolska) region in the 19th and early 20th century , Archaeologia Polona, 2004 / Tom 42, s. 129 - 154
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jarmila Kaczmarek, Iwona Zych", title = "Archaeology in the dispute over the national character of Great Poland (Wielkopolska) region in the 19th and early 20th century ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2004 / Tom 42", pages = "129 - 154" }
Note on the Collection of Wooden Finds from Naqlun Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 1999 / Tom 10 / s. 145 - 1481999CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Note on the Collection of Wooden Finds from Naqlun, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1999 / Tom 10, s. 145 - 148
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Note on the Collection of Wooden Finds from Naqlun", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1999 / Tom 10", pages = "145 - 148" }
Canabae Legionis I Italicae : state of Research on Civil Settlements Accompanying the Legionary Camp in Novae (Lower Moesia) Compared to Relevant Lower Danubian Sites Opublikowano w: Światowit : rocznik poświęcony archeologii przeddziejowej i badaniom pierwotnej kultury polskiej i słowiańskiej 2011 / Tom 9 (50) / Numer A / s. 155 - 1682011CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Tomas, Iwona Zych, Canabae Legionis I Italicae : state of Research on Civil Settlements Accompanying the Legionary Camp in Novae (Lower Moesia) Compared to Relevant Lower Danubian Sites , Światowit : rocznik poświęcony archeologii przeddziejowej i badaniom pierwotnej kultury polskiej i słowiańskiej, 2011 / Tom 9 (50) / Numer A, s. 155 - 168
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Tomas, Iwona Zych", title = "Canabae Legionis I Italicae : state of Research on Civil Settlements Accompanying the Legionary Camp in Novae (Lower Moesia) Compared to Relevant Lower Danubian Sites ", journal = "Światowit : rocznik poświęcony archeologii przeddziejowej i badaniom pierwotnej kultury polskiej i słowiańskiej", issue = "2011 / Tom 9 (50) / Numer A", pages = "155 - 168" }
Aleksandria. Kom el-Dikka Opublikowano w: Informator Archeologiczny : badania 1988 / Tom 22 / s. 1561988CZYSTY TEKST
Jan Borkowski, Przemysław Gartkiewicz, Wojciech Grygoriew, Mariusz Karst, Wojciech Kołątaj, Rafał Koliński, Renata Kucharczyk, Wiesław Kuczewski, Barbara Lichocka, Grzegorz Majcherek, Jolanta Młynarczyk, Barbara Tkaczow, Iwona Zych, Aleksandria. Kom el-Dikka , Informator Archeologiczny : badania, 1988 / Tom 22, s. 156
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jan Borkowski, Przemysław Gartkiewicz, Wojciech Grygoriew, Mariusz Karst, Wojciech Kołątaj, Rafał Koliński, Renata Kucharczyk, Wiesław Kuczewski, Barbara Lichocka, Grzegorz Majcherek, Jolanta Młynarczyk, Barbara Tkaczow, Iwona Zych", title = "Aleksandria. Kom el-Dikka ", journal = "Informator Archeologiczny : badania", issue = "1988 / Tom 22", pages = "156" }
The Late Roman Harbor Temple of Berenike : Results of the 2010 Season of Excavations Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2013 / Tom 22 / s. 209 - 2282013CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Rządkowska, Steven E. Sidebotham, Iwona Zych, The Late Roman Harbor Temple of Berenike : Results of the 2010 Season of Excavations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2013 / Tom 22, s. 209 - 228
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Rządkowska, Steven E. Sidebotham, Iwona Zych", title = "The Late Roman Harbor Temple of Berenike : Results of the 2010 Season of Excavations", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2013 / Tom 22", pages = "209 - 228" }
Wooden Coffins from Cemetery A in Naqlun Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2005 / Tom 16 / s. 211 - 2212005CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Wooden Coffins from Cemetery A in Naqlun, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2005 / Tom 16, s. 211 - 221
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Wooden Coffins from Cemetery A in Naqlun", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2005 / Tom 16", pages = "211 - 221" }
Cemetery C in Naqlun : Preliminary Report on the Excavation in 2006 Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2008 / Tom 18 / s. 230 - 2462008CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Cemetery C in Naqlun : Preliminary Report on the Excavation in 2006, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2008 / Tom 18, s. 230 - 246
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Cemetery C in Naqlun : Preliminary Report on the Excavation in 2006", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2008 / Tom 18", pages = "230 - 246" }
On the Collection of Wooden Finds from Naqlun again Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2012 / Tom 21 / s. 244 - 2502012CZYSTY TEKST
Jarosław Zieliński, Iwona Zych, On the Collection of Wooden Finds from Naqlun again, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2012 / Tom 21, s. 244 - 250
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jarosław Zieliński, Iwona Zych", title = "On the Collection of Wooden Finds from Naqlun again", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2012 / Tom 21", pages = "244 - 250" }
The "Square Feature" in the Harbor : Excavations in Berenike 2010-2011 Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2014 / Tom 23 / Numer 1 / s. 245 - 2642014CZYSTY TEKST
Ignacio Crespo Lineiro, Joanna K. Rądkowska, Steven E. Sidebotham, Iwona Zych, The "Square Feature" in the Harbor : Excavations in Berenike 2010-2011, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2014 / Tom 23 / Numer 1, s. 245 - 264
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ignacio Crespo Lineiro, Joanna K. Rądkowska, Steven E. Sidebotham, Iwona Zych", title = "The "Square Feature" in the Harbor : Excavations in Berenike 2010-2011", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2014 / Tom 23 / Numer 1", pages = "245 - 264" }
The State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw during World War II Opublikowano w: Archaeologia Polona 2004 / Tom 42 / s. 255 - 2902004CZYSTY TEKST
Danuta Piotrowska, Iwona Zych, The State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw during World War II , Archaeologia Polona, 2004 / Tom 42, s. 255 - 290
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Danuta Piotrowska, Iwona Zych", title = "The State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw during World War II ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2004 / Tom 42", pages = "255 - 290" }
Archaeological fieldwork in Berenike in 2014 and 2015: from Hellenistic rock-cut installations to abandoned temple ruins Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2016 / Tom 25 / s. 315 - 3482016CZYSTY TEKST
Martin Hense, Joanna K. Rądkowska, Steven E. Sidebotham, Marek Woźniak, Iwona Zych, Archaeological fieldwork in Berenike in 2014 and 2015: from Hellenistic rock-cut installations to abandoned temple ruins, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2016 / Tom 25, s. 315 - 348
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Martin Hense, Joanna K. Rądkowska, Steven E. Sidebotham, Marek Woźniak, Iwona Zych", title = "Archaeological fieldwork in Berenike in 2014 and 2015: from Hellenistic rock-cut installations to abandoned temple ruins", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2016 / Tom 25", pages = "315 - 348" }
Gifts for the Afterlife : Evidence of Mortuary Practices on the Necropolis at Marina El-Alamein Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2011 / Tom 20 / s. 619 - 6322011CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Zych, Gifts for the Afterlife : Evidence of Mortuary Practices on the Necropolis at Marina El-Alamein, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2011 / Tom 20, s. 619 - 632
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Zych", title = "Gifts for the Afterlife : Evidence of Mortuary Practices on the Necropolis at Marina El-Alamein", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2011 / Tom 20", pages = "619 - 632" }
Roman Clay Lantern from Bijan Island (Iraq) Opublikowano w: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 2013 / Tom 22 / s. 651 - 6622013CZYSTY TEKST
Maria Krogulska, Iwona Zych, Roman Clay Lantern from Bijan Island (Iraq), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2013 / Tom 22, s. 651 - 662
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maria Krogulska, Iwona Zych", title = "Roman Clay Lantern from Bijan Island (Iraq)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2013 / Tom 22", pages = "651 - 662" }