Robert Boroch
3 artykuły w 2 czasopismach
Analytical Futurology as a Tool for Strategic Planning in Social War Games Opublikowano w: Security Dimensions. International & National Studies 2017 / Numer 4 (24) / s. 62 - 752017CZYSTY TEKST
Robert Boroch, Analytical Futurology as a Tool for Strategic Planning in Social War Games , Security Dimensions. International & National Studies, 2017 / Numer 4 (24), s. 62 - 75
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Robert Boroch", title = "Analytical Futurology as a Tool for Strategic Planning in Social War Games ", journal = "Security Dimensions. International & National Studies", issue = "2017 / Numer 4 (24)", pages = "62 - 75" }
Fernando de Toro, "Theatre semiotics : text and staging in modern theatre", Toronto - Buffalo 1995 : [recenzja] / Robert Boroch. Opublikowano w: Pamiętnik Teatralny : czasopismo kwartalne poświęcone historii i krytyce teatru 2001 / Tom 50 / Numer 3/4 (199/200) / s. 337 - 3402001CZYSTY TEKST
Robert Boroch, Fernando de Toro, Fernando de Toro, "Theatre semiotics : text and staging in modern theatre", Toronto - Buffalo 1995 : [recenzja] / Robert Boroch., Pamiętnik Teatralny : czasopismo kwartalne poświęcone historii i krytyce teatru, 2001 / Tom 50 / Numer 3/4 (199/200), s. 337 - 340
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Robert Boroch, Fernando de Toro", title = "Fernando de Toro, "Theatre semiotics : text and staging in modern theatre", Toronto - Buffalo 1995 : [recenzja] / Robert Boroch.", journal = "Pamiętnik Teatralny : czasopismo kwartalne poświęcone historii i krytyce teatru", issue = "2001 / Tom 50 / Numer 3/4 (199/200)", pages = "337 - 340" }
Ukrainian Theatrical Projects as an Example of Anthropological Defense in Terms of Anthropology as Contemporary Social Warfare Opublikowano w: Security Dimensions. International & National Studies 2017 / Numer 4 (24) / s. 122 - 1362017CZYSTY TEKST
Robert Boroch, Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun, Ukrainian Theatrical Projects as an Example of Anthropological Defense in Terms of Anthropology as Contemporary Social Warfare , Security Dimensions. International & National Studies, 2017 / Numer 4 (24), s. 122 - 136
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Robert Boroch, Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun", title = "Ukrainian Theatrical Projects as an Example of Anthropological Defense in Terms of Anthropology as Contemporary Social Warfare ", journal = "Security Dimensions. International & National Studies", issue = "2017 / Numer 4 (24)", pages = "122 - 136" }