Proceeding of the EENPS 2018 Conference in Bratislava : Introductions. 5 - 6CZYSTY TEKST
Richard David-Rus, Duško Prelević, Proceeding of the EENPS 2018 Conference in Bratislava : Introduction , Filozofia Nauki, 2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4, s. 5 - 6
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Richard David-Rus, Duško Prelević", title = "Proceeding of the EENPS 2018 Conference in Bratislava : Introduction ", journal = "Filozofia Nauki", issue = "2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4", pages = "5 - 6" }
Examining the Structured Uses of Concepts as Tools : Converging Insightss. 7 - 22CZYSTY TEKST
Eden T. Smith, Examining the Structured Uses of Concepts as Tools : Converging Insights , Filozofia Nauki, 2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4, s. 7 - 22
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Eden T. Smith", title = "Examining the Structured Uses of Concepts as Tools : Converging Insights ", journal = "Filozofia Nauki", issue = "2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4", pages = "7 - 22" }
Mathematical Explanation as Part of an (Im)Perfect Scientific Explanation : An Analysis of Two Exampless. 23 - 41CZYSTY TEKST
Vladimir Drekalović, Mathematical Explanation as Part of an (Im)Perfect Scientific Explanation : An Analysis of Two Examples , Filozofia Nauki, 2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4, s. 23 - 41
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Vladimir Drekalović", title = "Mathematical Explanation as Part of an (Im)Perfect Scientific Explanation : An Analysis of Two Examples ", journal = "Filozofia Nauki", issue = "2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4", pages = "23 - 41" }
Methodological Pluralism in Economics : The "Why" and "How" of Casual Inferencess. 43 - 59CZYSTY TEKST
Mariusz Maziarz, Methodological Pluralism in Economics : The "Why" and "How" of Casual Inferences , Filozofia Nauki, 2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4, s. 43 - 59
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mariusz Maziarz", title = "Methodological Pluralism in Economics : The "Why" and "How" of Casual Inferences ", journal = "Filozofia Nauki", issue = "2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4", pages = "43 - 59" }
Kuhn's Incommensurability Thesis : Good Examples Still to be Founds. 61 - 77CZYSTY TEKST
Duško Prelević, Kuhn's Incommensurability Thesis : Good Examples Still to be Found , Filozofia Nauki, 2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4, s. 61 - 77
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Duško Prelević", title = "Kuhn's Incommensurability Thesis : Good Examples Still to be Found ", journal = "Filozofia Nauki", issue = "2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4", pages = "61 - 77" }
Philosophy of Science in Russia : The St. Petersburg Philosophical Society (1897-1923)s. 79 - 93CZYSTY TEKST
Elena Sinelnikova, Philosophy of Science in Russia : The St. Petersburg Philosophical Society (1897-1923), Filozofia Nauki, 2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4, s. 79 - 93
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Elena Sinelnikova", title = "Philosophy of Science in Russia : The St. Petersburg Philosophical Society (1897-1923)", journal = "Filozofia Nauki", issue = "2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4", pages = "79 - 93" }
Some Concepts Regarding Explanatory Pluralism : The Explanatory Role of Optimality Modelss. 95 - 113CZYSTY TEKST
Gabriel Târziu, Some Concepts Regarding Explanatory Pluralism : The Explanatory Role of Optimality Models , Filozofia Nauki, 2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4, s. 95 - 113
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Gabriel Târziu", title = "Some Concepts Regarding Explanatory Pluralism : The Explanatory Role of Optimality Models ", journal = "Filozofia Nauki", issue = "2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4", pages = "95 - 113" }
Wieloznaczność zdań pytającychs. 115 - 134CZYSTY TEKST
Adam Jonkisz, Wieloznaczność zdań pytających , Filozofia Nauki, 2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4, s. 115 - 134
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Adam Jonkisz", title = "Wieloznaczność zdań pytających ", journal = "Filozofia Nauki", issue = "2019 / Tom 27 / Numer 4", pages = "115 - 134" }