The Determinants of Identity Formation during the Transition from Adolescence into Adulthoods. 5 - 31CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Izabela Brzezińska, Tomasz Czub, Szymon Hejmanowski, Radosław Kaczan, Konrad Piotrowski, Małgorzata Rękosiewicz, The Determinants of Identity Formation during the Transition from Adolescence into Adulthood, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 5 - 31
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Izabela Brzezińska, Tomasz Czub, Szymon Hejmanowski, Radosław Kaczan, Konrad Piotrowski, Małgorzata Rękosiewicz", title = "The Determinants of Identity Formation during the Transition from Adolescence into Adulthood", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "5 - 31" }
Art Therapy in the Intersectional Prospect: working against Stigmatization Using Art Therapy Methodss. 32 - 53CZYSTY TEKST
Marcela Kościańczuk, Art Therapy in the Intersectional Prospect: working against Stigmatization Using Art Therapy Methods, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 32 - 53
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcela Kościańczuk", title = "Art Therapy in the Intersectional Prospect: working against Stigmatization Using Art Therapy Methods", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "32 - 53" }
Metaliteracy as the Goal of Media Educations. 54 - 71CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Sieńko, Metaliteracy as the Goal of Media Education, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 54 - 71
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Sieńko", title = "Metaliteracy as the Goal of Media Education", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "54 - 71" }
Changes in Cognitive Preferences of Students as a Result of the Process of Studying Engineering Physicss. 72 - 85CZYSTY TEKST
Maria Kozielska, Changes in Cognitive Preferences of Students as a Result of the Process of Studying Engineering Physics , Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 72 - 85
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maria Kozielska", title = "Changes in Cognitive Preferences of Students as a Result of the Process of Studying Engineering Physics ", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "72 - 85" }
Education in European Lancess. 86 - 92CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Mikiewicz, Education in European Lances, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 86 - 92
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Mikiewicz", title = "Education in European Lances", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "86 - 92" }
Some Issues Surrounding Education and Training Opportunities for Lone Mothers Innorthern Ireland and the Republic of Irelands. 93 - 102CZYSTY TEKST
Bernadette Brereton, David Getty, Vera van der Velden Lyons, Some Issues Surrounding Education and Training Opportunities for Lone Mothers Innorthern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 93 - 102
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bernadette Brereton, David Getty, Vera van der Velden Lyons", title = "Some Issues Surrounding Education and Training Opportunities for Lone Mothers Innorthern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "93 - 102" }
School is Cool: The Importance of Faculty Trust for Student’s Social Integration in Technical/Vocational versus Academic Schoolss. 103 - 127CZYSTY TEKST
Mieke Van Houtte, Dimitri Van Maele, School is Cool: The Importance of Faculty Trust for Student’s Social Integration in Technical/Vocational versus Academic Schools, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 103 - 127
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mieke Van Houtte, Dimitri Van Maele", title = "School is Cool: The Importance of Faculty Trust for Student’s Social Integration in Technical/Vocational versus Academic Schools", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "103 - 127" }
Educational Achievement as Defining Factor in Social Stratifi cation : Incidence in Social Mobility in Contemporary Spains. 128 - 141CZYSTY TEKST
María del Carmen Sánchez Pérez, Manuel Jacinto Roblizo Colmenero, Educational Achievement as Defining Factor in Social Stratifi cation : Incidence in Social Mobility in Contemporary Spain, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 128 - 141
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " María del Carmen Sánchez Pérez, Manuel Jacinto Roblizo Colmenero", title = "Educational Achievement as Defining Factor in Social Stratifi cation : Incidence in Social Mobility in Contemporary Spain", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "128 - 141" }
Inequality Decisions and Accounts : The Case of Tracking in a Swiss Elementary Schools. 142 - 165CZYSTY TEKST
Raimund Hasse, Lucia Schmidt, Inequality Decisions and Accounts : The Case of Tracking in a Swiss Elementary School, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 142 - 165
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Raimund Hasse, Lucia Schmidt", title = "Inequality Decisions and Accounts : The Case of Tracking in a Swiss Elementary School", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "142 - 165" }
Ethnicity and Education in England: Recent Findings from Fieldwork in a Northern Citys. 166 - 188CZYSTY TEKST
Ian Law, Sarah Swann, Ethnicity and Education in England: Recent Findings from Fieldwork in a Northern City, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 166 - 188
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ian Law, Sarah Swann", title = "Ethnicity and Education in England: Recent Findings from Fieldwork in a Northern City", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "166 - 188" }
Social Inequalities in Educational Choice at the Transition from Primary to Secondary Education: A Matter of Rational Calculation?s. 189 - 214CZYSTY TEKST
Simon Boone, Mieke Van Houtte, Social Inequalities in Educational Choice at the Transition from Primary to Secondary Education: A Matter of Rational Calculation?, Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 189 - 214
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Simon Boone, Mieke Van Houtte", title = "Social Inequalities in Educational Choice at the Transition from Primary to Secondary Education: A Matter of Rational Calculation?", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "189 - 214" }
Seduced by Academia or Acting Like a Fish in Water: aspects on the Selection of Students to the Swedish Upper Secondary Schoolteacher Programmes. 215 - 234CZYSTY TEKST
Magnus Persson, Seduced by Academia or Acting Like a Fish in Water: aspects on the Selection of Students to the Swedish Upper Secondary Schoolteacher Programme , Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 215 - 234
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magnus Persson", title = "Seduced by Academia or Acting Like a Fish in Water: aspects on the Selection of Students to the Swedish Upper Secondary Schoolteacher Programme ", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "215 - 234" }
"Youth Report 2011: what do Sociologists Really Know about Young Poles – What Can Politicians Offer Them?", Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Krystyna Szafraniec, Warszawa 2011 : [recenzja]s. 235 - 248CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Ewa Narkiewicz-Niedbalec, Krystyna Szafraniec, "Youth Report 2011: what do Sociologists Really Know about Young Poles – What Can Politicians Offer Them?", Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Krystyna Szafraniec, Warszawa 2011 : [recenzja], Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 235 - 248
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Ewa Narkiewicz-Niedbalec, Krystyna Szafraniec", title = ""Youth Report 2011: what do Sociologists Really Know about Young Poles – What Can Politicians Offer Them?", Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Krystyna Szafraniec, Warszawa 2011 : [recenzja]", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "235 - 248" }
"Youth Report 2011: supporting Polish Youth into Adulthood. Discussion on the Margins of the Youth of 2011 Report", Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Krystyna Szafraniec : [recenzja]s. 248 - 262CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Anna Izabela Brzezińska, Tomasz Czub, Anna Nawrotnik, Małgorzata Rękosiewicz, Krystyna Szafraniec, "Youth Report 2011: supporting Polish Youth into Adulthood. Discussion on the Margins of the Youth of 2011 Report", Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Krystyna Szafraniec : [recenzja], Kultura i Edukacja, 2012 / Numer 5, s. 248 - 262
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Anna Izabela Brzezińska, Tomasz Czub, Anna Nawrotnik, Małgorzata Rękosiewicz, Krystyna Szafraniec", title = ""Youth Report 2011: supporting Polish Youth into Adulthood. Discussion on the Margins of the Youth of 2011 Report", Piotr Arak, Michał Boni, Krystyna Szafraniec : [recenzja]", journal = "Kultura i Edukacja", issue = "2012 / Numer 5", pages = "248 - 262" }