Leo D. Lefebure, Ancient Mediterranean Roots of Perspectives on Human Rights, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 7 - 17
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Leo D. Lefebure", title = "Ancient Mediterranean Roots of Perspectives on Human Rights", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "7 - 17" }
Pavol Dancák, The Human Person Dignity and Compassion, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 19 - 31
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Pavol Dancák", title = "The Human Person Dignity and Compassion", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "19 - 31" }
Agnieszka Gawkowska, Looking for Foundations: Nature, Society, and Rights, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 33 - 49
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Gawkowska", title = "Looking for Foundations: Nature, Society, and Rights", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "33 - 49" }
John P. Hittinger, The Revolution of Conscience in "Centesimus Annus", Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 51 - 69
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " John P. Hittinger", title = "The Revolution of Conscience in "Centesimus Annus"", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "51 - 69" }
Szymon Bukal, Krzysztof Wieczorek, The Ethics of Solidarity According to Józef Tischner, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 71 - 89
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Szymon Bukal, Krzysztof Wieczorek", title = "The Ethics of Solidarity According to Józef Tischner", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "71 - 89" }
Dominika Pieczka, Arkadiusz Wuwer, The Church Engaged in Economy — Is It Necessary?, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 91 - 107
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dominika Pieczka, Arkadiusz Wuwer", title = "The Church Engaged in Economy — Is It Necessary?", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "91 - 107" }
Pope John Paul II's Criticism of “Human Rightism” and Its Further Developments. 109 - 126CZYSTY TEKST
Roman Míčka, Pope John Paul II's Criticism of “Human Rightism” and Its Further Development, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 109 - 126
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Roman Míčka", title = "Pope John Paul II's Criticism of “Human Rightism” and Its Further Development", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "109 - 126" }
The Standpoint of the Holy See on Communism From Benedict XV to John Paul IIs. 129 - 147CZYSTY TEKST
Józef Krukowski, The Standpoint of the Holy See on Communism From Benedict XV to John Paul II, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 129 - 147
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Józef Krukowski", title = "The Standpoint of the Holy See on Communism From Benedict XV to John Paul II", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "129 - 147" }
Cooperation of Common Courts and Ecclesiastical Courts in Poland for the Common and Individual Goods. 149 - 161CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Cooperation of Common Courts and Ecclesiastical Courts in Poland for the Common and Individual Good, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 149 - 161
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Tomkiewicz", title = "Cooperation of Common Courts and Ecclesiastical Courts in Poland for the Common and Individual Good", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "149 - 161" }
Does Labor Law Apply in the Church? : An Analysis of the Socio-Legal Conditions on the Example of the Latin Church in Polands. 163 - 176CZYSTY TEKST
Lucjan Świto, Does Labor Law Apply in the Church? : An Analysis of the Socio-Legal Conditions on the Example of the Latin Church in Poland, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 163 - 176
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Lucjan Świto", title = "Does Labor Law Apply in the Church? : An Analysis of the Socio-Legal Conditions on the Example of the Latin Church in Poland", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "163 - 176" }
In the Circle of the “Culture of Indissolubility”: Family as the First and Fundamental Structure for “Human Ecology”s. 177 - 195CZYSTY TEKST
Andrzej Pastwa, In the Circle of the “Culture of Indissolubility”: Family as the First and Fundamental Structure for “Human Ecology”, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 177 - 195
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andrzej Pastwa", title = "In the Circle of the “Culture of Indissolubility”: Family as the First and Fundamental Structure for “Human Ecology”", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "177 - 195" }
Jakub Majchak, Michał Poniatowski, The Family as an Entity in the Polish Legal Order, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 197 - 218
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jakub Majchak, Michał Poniatowski", title = "The Family as an Entity in the Polish Legal Order", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "197 - 218" }
Damián Němec, The Family in the Czech Legal Order, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 219 - 240
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Damián Němec", title = "The Family in the Czech Legal Order", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "219 - 240" }
Stanislav Přibyl, The Principle of Subsidiarity in the Code of Canon Law, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 241 - 256
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stanislav Přibyl", title = "The Principle of Subsidiarity in the Code of Canon Law", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "241 - 256" }
Patrick J. Deneen, Brian Jones, "Why Liberalism Failed", Patrick J. Deneen, New Haven 2018 : [recenzja], Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 259 - 263
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Patrick J. Deneen, Brian Jones", title = ""Why Liberalism Failed", Patrick J. Deneen, New Haven 2018 : [recenzja]", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "259 - 263" }
"Seeing Things Politically: Interviews with Bénédicte Delorme-Montini", Pierre Manent, Translated by Ralph C. Hancock, Introduction by Daniel J. Mahoney, South Bend, IN 2015 : [recenzja]s. 265 - 269CZYSTY TEKST
Ralph C. Hancock, Bénédicte Delorme-Montini, Daniel J. Mahoney, Pierre Manent, John P. Hittinger, "Seeing Things Politically: Interviews with Bénédicte Delorme-Montini", Pierre Manent, Translated by Ralph C. Hancock, Introduction by Daniel J. Mahoney, South Bend, IN 2015 : [recenzja] , Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 265 - 269
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ralph C. Hancock, Bénédicte Delorme-Montini, Daniel J. Mahoney, Pierre Manent, John P. Hittinger", title = ""Seeing Things Politically: Interviews with Bénédicte Delorme-Montini", Pierre Manent, Translated by Ralph C. Hancock, Introduction by Daniel J. Mahoney, South Bend, IN 2015 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "265 - 269" }
"Lessons in Hope: My Unexpected Life with St. John Paul II", George Weigel, New York 2017 : [recenzja]s. 271 - 274CZYSTY TEKST
John P. Hittinger, George Weigel, "Lessons in Hope: My Unexpected Life with St. John Paul II", George Weigel, New York 2017 : [recenzja] , Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 271 - 274
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " John P. Hittinger, George Weigel", title = ""Lessons in Hope: My Unexpected Life with St. John Paul II", George Weigel, New York 2017 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "271 - 274" }
"Self-Transcendence and Prosociality", Martin Dojčár, Frankfurt am Main: 2017 : [recenzja]s. 275 - 276CZYSTY TEKST
Pavol Dancák, Martin Dojčár, "Self-Transcendence and Prosociality", Martin Dojčár, Frankfurt am Main: 2017 : [recenzja], Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 275 - 276
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Pavol Dancák, Martin Dojčár", title = ""Self-Transcendence and Prosociality", Martin Dojčár, Frankfurt am Main: 2017 : [recenzja]", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "275 - 276" }
"Polityka w perspektywie etycznej i religijnej", Aniela Dylus, Warszawa 2016 ; "Gospodarka w perspektywie etycznej i religijnej", Aniela Dylus, Warszawa 2016 : [recenzja]s. 277 - 280CZYSTY TEKST
Aniela Dylus, Arkadiusz Wuwer, "Polityka w perspektywie etycznej i religijnej", Aniela Dylus, Warszawa 2016 ; "Gospodarka w perspektywie etycznej i religijnej", Aniela Dylus, Warszawa 2016 : [recenzja] , Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 277 - 280
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aniela Dylus, Arkadiusz Wuwer", title = ""Polityka w perspektywie etycznej i religijnej", Aniela Dylus, Warszawa 2016 ; "Gospodarka w perspektywie etycznej i religijnej", Aniela Dylus, Warszawa 2016 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "277 - 280" }
"Konfesní právo", Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák, Praha 2015 ; "Církevní právo", Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák, Praha 2016 : [recenzja]s. 281 - 284CZYSTY TEKST
Záboj Horák, Stanislav Přibyl, Jiří Rajmund Tretera, "Konfesní právo", Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák, Praha 2015 ; "Církevní právo", Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák, Praha 2016 : [recenzja] , Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 281 - 284
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Záboj Horák, Stanislav Přibyl, Jiří Rajmund Tretera", title = ""Konfesní právo", Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák, Praha 2015 ; "Církevní právo", Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák, Praha 2016 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "281 - 284" }
"Prawna ochrona wolności sumienia i wyznania", Rafał Paprzycki, Warszawa 2015 : [recenzja]s. 285 - 287CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Kroczek, Rafał Paprzycki, "Prawna ochrona wolności sumienia i wyznania", Rafał Paprzycki, Warszawa 2015 : [recenzja], Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 285 - 287
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Kroczek, Rafał Paprzycki", title = ""Prawna ochrona wolności sumienia i wyznania", Rafał Paprzycki, Warszawa 2015 : [recenzja]", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "285 - 287" }
"Czechy. Kościół i państwo", Hieronim Kaczmarek OP, Kraków 2016 : [rcenzja]s. 289 - 291CZYSTY TEKST
Hieronim Kaczmarek, Damián Němec, "Czechy. Kościół i państwo", Hieronim Kaczmarek OP, Kraków 2016 : [rcenzja], Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 289 - 291
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Hieronim Kaczmarek, Damián Němec", title = ""Czechy. Kościół i państwo", Hieronim Kaczmarek OP, Kraków 2016 : [rcenzja]", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "289 - 291" }
Notes on Contributors, Philosophy and Canon Law, 2017 / Tom 3, s. 293 - 296
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Notes on Contributors", journal = "Philosophy and Canon Law", issue = "2017 / Tom 3", pages = "293 - 296" }