Linguistics and philosophy: the dimensions of the 21st centurys. 7 - 18CZYSTY TEKST
Iryna Biskub, Linguistics and philosophy: the dimensions of the 21st century, Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 7 - 18
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iryna Biskub", title = "Linguistics and philosophy: the dimensions of the 21st century", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "7 - 18" }
Fashion Blogs as Social Media Texts: an LIWC Analysiss. 19 - 29CZYSTY TEKST
Iryna Andrusiak, Fashion Blogs as Social Media Texts: an LIWC Analysis , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 19 - 29
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iryna Andrusiak", title = "Fashion Blogs as Social Media Texts: an LIWC Analysis ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "19 - 29" }
The range and the communicative importance of paralinguistic means employed in contemporary English written multimodal discourses. 31 - 45CZYSTY TEKST
Larysa Makaruk, The range and the communicative importance of paralinguistic means employed in contemporary English written multimodal discourse , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 31 - 45
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Larysa Makaruk", title = "The range and the communicative importance of paralinguistic means employed in contemporary English written multimodal discourse ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "31 - 45" }
The role of feedback and examples of techniques leading to its successful uses. 47 - 60CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Bojar, The role of feedback and examples of techniques leading to its successful use , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 47 - 60
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Bojar", title = "The role of feedback and examples of techniques leading to its successful use ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "47 - 60" }
Development through Interactions. 61 - 74CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Zygmunt, Development through Interaction , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 61 - 74
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Zygmunt", title = "Development through Interaction ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "61 - 74" }
Entlehnungen im Deutschen : Übersichts. 75 - 85CZYSTY TEKST
Tetiana Bondar, Olena Halytska, Entlehnungen im Deutschen : Übersicht, Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 75 - 85
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tetiana Bondar, Olena Halytska", title = "Entlehnungen im Deutschen : Übersicht", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "75 - 85" }
Eva Homan's Brief Encounter with Émigré Life and an Immigrant Community Before Entering the Culture of the New Worlds. 89 - 106CZYSTY TEKST
Rafał Zygmunt, Eva Homan's Brief Encounter with Émigré Life and an Immigrant Community Before Entering the Culture of the New World, Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 89 - 106
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rafał Zygmunt", title = "Eva Homan's Brief Encounter with Émigré Life and an Immigrant Community Before Entering the Culture of the New World", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "89 - 106" }
Spectacle realism revisited: the depiction of social class and its effect on characters in Elizabeth Strout's "Anything Is Possible"s. 107 - 121CZYSTY TEKST
Malina Załużna-Łuczkiewicz, Spectacle realism revisited: the depiction of social class and its effect on characters in Elizabeth Strout's "Anything Is Possible" , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 107 - 121
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Malina Załużna-Łuczkiewicz", title = "Spectacle realism revisited: the depiction of social class and its effect on characters in Elizabeth Strout's "Anything Is Possible" ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "107 - 121" }
The Bluestocking Circle – as a new paradigm of collective collaborations. 123 - 137CZYSTY TEKST
Dorota Górnik, The Bluestocking Circle – as a new paradigm of collective collaboration , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 123 - 137
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dorota Górnik", title = "The Bluestocking Circle – as a new paradigm of collective collaboration ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "123 - 137" }
Naming the Beast: Using Hengstenberg's Body to Identify the Nature of Man/Animal Chimerass. 139 - 148CZYSTY TEKST
Brian Panasiak, Naming the Beast: Using Hengstenberg's Body to Identify the Nature of Man/Animal Chimeras, Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 139 - 148
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Brian Panasiak", title = "Naming the Beast: Using Hengstenberg's Body to Identify the Nature of Man/Animal Chimeras", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "139 - 148" }
Rola dystansu interpersonalnego w wyborze form adresatywnychs. 149 - 157CZYSTY TEKST
Dmytro Teterya, Rola dystansu interpersonalnego w wyborze form adresatywnych, Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 149 - 157
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dmytro Teterya", title = "Rola dystansu interpersonalnego w wyborze form adresatywnych", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "149 - 157" }
Sanktuaria pogańskie odzwierciedleniem światopoglądu dawnych Słowian na pograniczu polsko-ruskims. 159 - 172CZYSTY TEKST
Olga Osadczy, Sanktuaria pogańskie odzwierciedleniem światopoglądu dawnych Słowian na pograniczu polsko-ruskim, Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 159 - 172
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Olga Osadczy", title = "Sanktuaria pogańskie odzwierciedleniem światopoglądu dawnych Słowian na pograniczu polsko-ruskim", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "159 - 172" }
Edukacyjny wymiar wizyt w miejscu pamięci : Z wizyty w Państwowym Muzeum na Majdanku: studium przypadkus. 173 - 185CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Kawa, Edukacyjny wymiar wizyt w miejscu pamięci : Z wizyty w Państwowym Muzeum na Majdanku: studium przypadku , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 173 - 185
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Kawa", title = "Edukacyjny wymiar wizyt w miejscu pamięci : Z wizyty w Państwowym Muzeum na Majdanku: studium przypadku ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "173 - 185" }
Детерминанты электорального поведения: от «экологизма» к «коммуникатнвизму»s. 189 - 207CZYSTY TEKST
Гавро Шкриванић, Детерминанты электорального поведения: от «экологизма» к «коммуникатнвизму», Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 189 - 207
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Гавро Шкриванић", title = "Детерминанты электорального поведения: от «экологизма» к «коммуникатнвизму»", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "189 - 207" }
Mass collaboration as a factor of the Ukrainian revolutions. 209 - 218CZYSTY TEKST
Sergii Fedoniuk, Mass collaboration as a factor of the Ukrainian revolution , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 209 - 218
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Sergii Fedoniuk", title = "Mass collaboration as a factor of the Ukrainian revolution ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "209 - 218" }
Migration policy of Sweden: challenges and resolutionss. 219 - 232CZYSTY TEKST
Marianna Gladysh, Viktor Sychov, Migration policy of Sweden: challenges and resolutions , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 219 - 232
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marianna Gladysh, Viktor Sychov", title = "Migration policy of Sweden: challenges and resolutions ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "219 - 232" }
Nowoczesna zmediatyzowana sfera publiczna : Pozorowany świat kreacji obrazu i zarządzania opiniąs. 233 - 245CZYSTY TEKST
Jurij Hajduk, Nowoczesna zmediatyzowana sfera publiczna : Pozorowany świat kreacji obrazu i zarządzania opinią , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 233 - 245
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jurij Hajduk", title = " Nowoczesna zmediatyzowana sfera publiczna : Pozorowany świat kreacji obrazu i zarządzania opinią ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "233 - 245" }
Problemy graniczne między sowiecką Rosją i Ukrainą : Z zagadnień polityki bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckiego w latach 20. XX wiekus. 247 - 256CZYSTY TEKST
Andrzej Gil, Problemy graniczne między sowiecką Rosją i Ukrainą : Z zagadnień polityki bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckiego w latach 20. XX wieku , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 247 - 256
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andrzej Gil", title = "Problemy graniczne między sowiecką Rosją i Ukrainą : Z zagadnień polityki bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckiego w latach 20. XX wieku ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "247 - 256" }
Potencjał wewnątrzustrojowy regionów : Studium przypadku: Polska i jej województwas. 257 - 275CZYSTY TEKST
Iwona Koza, Potencjał wewnątrzustrojowy regionów : Studium przypadku: Polska i jej województwa , Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 257 - 275
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iwona Koza", title = "Potencjał wewnątrzustrojowy regionów : Studium przypadku: Polska i jej województwa ", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "257 - 275" }
Bezpiecze«stwo wewnętrzne i zewnrtrzne w polityce wojewody wołyńskiego Henryka Józewskiego (1928-1938)s. 277 - 302CZYSTY TEKST
Roman Kotsan, Andrzej Wawryniuk, Bezpiecze«stwo wewnętrzne i zewnrtrzne w polityce wojewody wołyńskiego Henryka Józewskiego (1928-1938), Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 277 - 302
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Roman Kotsan, Andrzej Wawryniuk", title = "Bezpiecze«stwo wewnętrzne i zewnrtrzne w polityce wojewody wołyńskiego Henryka Józewskiego (1928-1938)", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "277 - 302" }
Национальная безопасность в современном мире: либерализм vs реализмs. 303 - 314CZYSTY TEKST
Гавро Шкриванић, Национальная безопасность в современном мире: либерализм vs реализм, Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal, 2018 / Tom 1, s. 303 - 314
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Гавро Шкриванић", title = "Национальная безопасность в современном мире: либерализм vs реализм", journal = "Language, Culture, Politics. International Journal", issue = "2018 / Tom 1", pages = "303 - 314" }