Janusz Karkowski, Hatshepsut's Temple at Deir El-Bahari : Egyptological Documentation 1989-1990, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 7 - 11
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Janusz Karkowski", title = "Hatshepsut's Temple at Deir El-Bahari : Egyptological Documentation 1989-1990", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "7 - 11" }
Jadwiga Lipińska, Temple of Tuthmosis III - Deir El-Bahari : Report on the 1990 Season, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 12 - 14
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jadwiga Lipińska", title = "Temple of Tuthmosis III - Deir El-Bahari : Report on the 1990 Season", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "12 - 14" }
Wojciech Kołątaj, Conservation Work on Kom El-Dikka in Alexandria in the 1989 Season, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 15 - 18
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wojciech Kołątaj", title = "Conservation Work on Kom El-Dikka in Alexandria in the 1989 Season", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "15 - 18" }
Grzegorz Majcherek, Excavations in Alexandria in 1989-90, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 19 - 24
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grzegorz Majcherek", title = "Excavations in Alexandria in 1989-90", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "19 - 24" }
Karol Myśliwiec, Polish-Egyptian Excavations at Tell Atrib in 1990, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 25 - 30
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Karol Myśliwiec", title = "Polish-Egyptian Excavations at Tell Atrib in 1990", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "25 - 30" }
Wiktor A. Daszewski, Marina 1990, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 31 - 37
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiktor A. Daszewski", title = "Marina 1990", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "31 - 37" }
The Activities of the Polish-Egyptian Preservation Mission at Marina El-Alamein in 1988s. 38 - 43CZYSTY TEKST
Włodzimierz Bentkowski, The Activities of the Polish-Egyptian Preservation Mission at Marina El-Alamein in 1988, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 38 - 43
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Włodzimierz Bentkowski", title = "The Activities of the Polish-Egyptian Preservation Mission at Marina El-Alamein in 1988", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "38 - 43" }
Jarosław Dobrowolski, Polish-Egyptian Restoration Mission at Marina El-Alamein in 1990, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 44 - 47
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jarosław Dobrowolski", title = "Polish-Egyptian Restoration Mission at Marina El-Alamein in 1990", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "44 - 47" }
Włodzimierz Godlewski, Deir El-Naqlun, 1990, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 48 - 53
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Włodzimierz Godlewski", title = "Deir El-Naqlun, 1990", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "48 - 53" }
Tomasz Derda, El Naqlun 1990 : The Greek Papyri, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 54 - 56
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Derda", title = "El Naqlun 1990 : The Greek Papyri", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "54 - 56" }
Olaf E. Kaper, Arabic Papyri and Inscriptions from Naqlun, Hermitage 89, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 57 - 59
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Olaf E. Kaper", title = "Arabic Papyri and Inscriptions from Naqlun, Hermitage 89", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "57 - 59" }
Lech Krzyżaniak, Dakhleh Oasis Project : Research on the Petroglyphs, 1990, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 60 - 64
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Lech Krzyżaniak", title = "Dakhleh Oasis Project : Research on the Petroglyphs, 1990", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "60 - 64" }
Stefan Jakobielski, Old Dongola 1989-1990, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 65 - 73
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stefan Jakobielski", title = " Old Dongola 1989-1990", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "65 - 73" }
Włodzimierz Godlewski, The Old Dongola Fortifications, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 74 - 77
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Włodzimierz Godlewski", title = "The Old Dongola Fortifications", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "74 - 77" }
Wiktor A. Daszewski, Nea Paphos 1990 : Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 78 - 84
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiktor A. Daszewski", title = "Nea Paphos 1990 : Report", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "78 - 84" }
Michał Gawlikowski, Palmyra, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 85 - 90
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Gawlikowski", title = "Palmyra", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "85 - 90" }
Janusz Byliński, The Arab Castle in Palmyra, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 91 - 93
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Janusz Byliński", title = "The Arab Castle in Palmyra", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "91 - 93" }
Piotr Bieliński, The Third Season of Excavations in Northeast Syria, 1990, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 94 - 101
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Bieliński", title = "The Third Season of Excavations in Northeast Syria, 1990", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "94 - 101" }
Stefan Karol Kozłowski, Nemrik 9, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 102 - 111
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stefan Karol Kozłowski", title = "Nemrik 9", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "102 - 111" }
Stefan Karol Kozłowski, Kazimierz Kuźma, Karol Szymczak, La reprise des fouilles a M'Lefaat (Saison 1989), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 112 - 118
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stefan Karol Kozłowski, Kazimierz Kuźma, Karol Szymczak", title = "La reprise des fouilles a M'Lefaat (Saison 1989)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "112 - 118" }
Michał Gawlikowski, The First Season of Excavations in Hatra, Iraq, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1991 / Tom 2, s. 119 - 121
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Gawlikowski", title = "The First Season of Excavations in Hatra, Iraq", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "1991 / Tom 2", pages = "119 - 121" }