Editorials. 1 - 10CZYSTY TEKST
Dorota Cyngot, Zbigniew Kobyliński, Stanisław Tabaczyński, Anna Zalewska, Editorial , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 1 - 10
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dorota Cyngot, Zbigniew Kobyliński, Stanisław Tabaczyński, Anna Zalewska", title = "Editorial ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "1 - 10" }
Archaeology, anthropology, history : unconscious foundations and conscious expressions of social lifes. 15 - 40CZYSTY TEKST
Stanisław Tabaczyński, Archaeology, anthropology, history : unconscious foundations and conscious expressions of social life , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 15 - 40
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stanisław Tabaczyński", title = "Archaeology, anthropology, history : unconscious foundations and conscious expressions of social life ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "15 - 40" }
Interdisciplinary research and archaeologys. 41 - 52CZYSTY TEKST
Danuta Minta-Tworzowska, Interdisciplinary research and archaeology , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 41 - 52
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Danuta Minta-Tworzowska", title = "Interdisciplinary research and archaeology ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "41 - 52" }
The anthropology of image and knowledge of the image (Bildwissenschaft) as a transdisciplinary project : archaeology in the transdisciplinary networks. 53 - 64CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska, The anthropology of image and knowledge of the image (Bildwissenschaft) as a transdisciplinary project : archaeology in the transdisciplinary network , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 53 - 64
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska", title = "The anthropology of image and knowledge of the image (Bildwissenschaft) as a transdisciplinary project : archaeology in the transdisciplinary network ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "53 - 64" }
From a metaarchaeological point of views. 65 - 72CZYSTY TEKST
Henryk Mamzer, Andrzej Zaporowski, From a metaarchaeological point of view , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 65 - 72
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Henryk Mamzer, Andrzej Zaporowski", title = "From a metaarchaeological point of view ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "65 - 72" }
Epistemological status of archaeology : current controversiess. 73 - 88CZYSTY TEKST
Jan Michał Burdukiewicz, Epistemological status of archaeology : current controversies , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 73 - 88
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jan Michał Burdukiewicz", title = "Epistemological status of archaeology : current controversies ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "73 - 88" }
A few remarks about different research perspectives in archaeologys. 89 - 94CZYSTY TEKST
Renata Zych, A few remarks about different research perspectives in archaeology , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 89 - 94
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Renata Zych", title = "A few remarks about different research perspectives in archaeology ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "89 - 94" }
Life in time and time in life : from biological time to time in cultures. 95 - 120CZYSTY TEKST
Jerzy Andrzej Chmurzyński, Life in time and time in life : from biological time to time in culture , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 95 - 120
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jerzy Andrzej Chmurzyński", title = "Life in time and time in life : from biological time to time in culture ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "95 - 120" }
Some thoughts on the role of the perception of time in cultures. 121 - 132CZYSTY TEKST
Robert Sadowski, Mateusz Wierciński, Some thoughts on the role of the perception of time in culture , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 121 - 132
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Robert Sadowski, Mateusz Wierciński", title = "Some thoughts on the role of the perception of time in culture ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "121 - 132" }
Differing science and literatures. 135 - 148CZYSTY TEKST
Jean-Claude Gardin, Differing science and literature , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 135 - 148
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jean-Claude Gardin", title = "Differing science and literature ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "135 - 148" }
Ethnology and archaeology of death : from the illusion of references to the use of a terminologys. 149 - 170CZYSTY TEKST
Bruno Boulestin, Henri Duday, Ethnology and archaeology of death : from the illusion of references to the use of a terminology , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 149 - 170
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bruno Boulestin, Henri Duday", title = "Ethnology and archaeology of death : from the illusion of references to the use of a terminology ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "149 - 170" }
The return to thingss. 171 - 186CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Domańska, The return to things , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 171 - 186
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Domańska", title = "The return to things ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "171 - 186" }
Where does the "return to things" lead us?s. 187 - 194CZYSTY TEKST
Przemysław Urbańczyk, Where does the "return to things" lead us? , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 187 - 194
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Przemysław Urbańczyk", title = "Where does the "return to things" lead us? ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "187 - 194" }
History and archaeology - together or separate? : some remarks by a Medieval historian on the uses and misuses of history by archaeologistss. 195 - 202CZYSTY TEKST
Jacek Banaszkiewicz, History and archaeology - together or separate? : some remarks by a Medieval historian on the uses and misuses of history by archaeologists , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 195 - 202
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jacek Banaszkiewicz", title = "History and archaeology - together or separate? : some remarks by a Medieval historian on the uses and misuses of history by archaeologists ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "195 - 202" }
Knowledge as a socially active substance : our interpretations versus Others "self-interpretations"s. 203 - 212CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Zalewska, Knowledge as a socially active substance : our interpretations versus Others "self-interpretations" , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 203 - 212
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Zalewska", title = "Knowledge as a socially active substance : our interpretations versus Others "self-interpretations" ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "203 - 212" }
Questions of inequality and collective experience : hinduism from several inner perspectivess. 213 - 230CZYSTY TEKST
Dagnosław Demski, Questions of inequality and collective experience : hinduism from several inner perspectives , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 213 - 230
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dagnosław Demski", title = "Questions of inequality and collective experience : hinduism from several inner perspectives ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "213 - 230" }
Where do we stand? : exploring the contours of gendered archaeologys. 231 - 254CZYSTY TEKST
Michał Pawleta, Where do we stand? : exploring the contours of gendered archaeology , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 231 - 254
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Pawleta", title = "Where do we stand? : exploring the contours of gendered archaeology ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "231 - 254" }
Archaeology as the pre-text for poetry : the loneliness of ancient deities or on the other side of a showcases. 255 - 263CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Baranowska, Tadeusz Baranowski, Sylwia Twardo, Archaeology as the pre-text for poetry : the loneliness of ancient deities or on the other side of a showcase , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 255 - 263
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Baranowska, Tadeusz Baranowski, Sylwia Twardo", title = "Archaeology as the pre-text for poetry : the loneliness of ancient deities or on the other side of a showcase ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "255 - 263" }
Theorizing archaeological practice : an outlines. 267 - 278CZYSTY TEKST
Arkadiusz Marciniak, Theorizing archaeological practice : an outline , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 267 - 278
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Arkadiusz Marciniak", title = "Theorizing archaeological practice : an outline ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "267 - 278" }
Archaeology and palynology - archaeological perspective : the casus of Lake Gościążs. 279 - 294CZYSTY TEKST
Andrzej Pelisiak, Magdalena Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, Małgorzata Rybicka, Archaeology and palynology - archaeological perspective : the casus of Lake Gościąż , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 279 - 294
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andrzej Pelisiak, Magdalena Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, Małgorzata Rybicka", title = "Archaeology and palynology - archaeological perspective : the casus of Lake Gościąż ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "279 - 294" }
Archaeology, ethnography and the Bible : the skull quest and magic in Pre-pottery Neolithic of the Near East as stimulus to a sedentary way of lifes. 295 - 316CZYSTY TEKST
Jacek Dobrowolski, Mateusz Wierciński, Archaeology, ethnography and the Bible : the skull quest and magic in Pre-pottery Neolithic of the Near East as stimulus to a sedentary way of life , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 295 - 316
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jacek Dobrowolski, Mateusz Wierciński", title = "Archaeology, ethnography and the Bible : the skull quest and magic in Pre-pottery Neolithic of the Near East as stimulus to a sedentary way of life ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "295 - 316" }
Origin of the Slavs as a pretext for discussions. 317 - 332CZYSTY TEKST
Janusz Piontek, Origin of the Slavs as a pretext for discussion , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 317 - 332
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Janusz Piontek", title = "Origin of the Slavs as a pretext for discussion ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "317 - 332" }
Origin of the Slavs : an anthropological perspectives. 333 - 338CZYSTY TEKST
Robert Dąbrowski, Origin of the Slavs : an anthropological perspective , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 333 - 338
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Robert Dąbrowski", title = "Origin of the Slavs : an anthropological perspective ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "333 - 338" }
The plague pandemic and Slavic expansion in the 6th-8th centuriess. 339 - 364CZYSTY TEKST
Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, The plague pandemic and Slavic expansion in the 6th-8th centuries , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 339 - 364
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Arkadiusz Sołtysiak", title = "The plague pandemic and Slavic expansion in the 6th-8th centuries ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "339 - 364" }
The industry of everyday life : men, economy and society in the material culture of an European capital (13th-16th centuries)s. 365 - 380CZYSTY TEKST
Paolo Güll, Domenic Vaccaro, The industry of everyday life : men, economy and society in the material culture of an European capital (13th-16th centuries) , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 365 - 380
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paolo Güll, Domenic Vaccaro", title = "The industry of everyday life : men, economy and society in the material culture of an European capital (13th-16th centuries) ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "365 - 380" }
The ambiguous concept of "source"s. 381 - 399CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Zalewska, The ambiguous concept of "source" , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 381 - 399
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Zalewska", title = "The ambiguous concept of "source" ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "381 - 399" }
Report from the Czersk Meeting, 2006s. 400 - 416CZYSTY TEKST
Paul Barford, Report from the Czersk Meeting, 2006 , Archaeologia Polona, 2006 / Tom 44, s. 400 - 416
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paul Barford", title = "Report from the Czersk Meeting, 2006 ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2006 / Tom 44", pages = "400 - 416" }