Editorials. 1 - 2CZYSTY TEKST
Urszula Kobylińska, Zbigniew Kobyliński, Editorial , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 1 - 2
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Urszula Kobylińska, Zbigniew Kobyliński", title = "Editorial ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "1 - 2" }
Professor Witold Hensel (1917-2008)s. 5 - 14CZYSTY TEKST
Zofia Kurnatowska, Louis Daniel Nebelsick, Sylwia Twardo, Professor Witold Hensel (1917-2008) , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 5 - 14
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zofia Kurnatowska, Louis Daniel Nebelsick, Sylwia Twardo", title = "Professor Witold Hensel (1917-2008) ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "5 - 14" }
Ceramology : what is it and why?s. 15 - 27CZYSTY TEKST
Andrzej Buko, Ceramology : what is it and why? , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 15 - 27
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andrzej Buko", title = "Ceramology : what is it and why? ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "15 - 27" }
More than meets the eye : contributions to analytical archaeo-ceramology from German-speaking Europe between 1880 and 2008s. 29 - 88CZYSTY TEKST
Louis Daniel Nebelsick, More than meets the eye : contributions to analytical archaeo-ceramology from German-speaking Europe between 1880 and 2008 , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 29 - 88
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Louis Daniel Nebelsick", title = "More than meets the eye : contributions to analytical archaeo-ceramology from German-speaking Europe between 1880 and 2008 ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "29 - 88" }
Ceramological archaeometry in Poland : the outline of history and problemss. 89 - 121CZYSTY TEKST
Urszula Kobylińska, Louis Daniel Nebelsick, Sylwia Twardo, Ceramological archaeometry in Poland : the outline of history and problems , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 89 - 121
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Urszula Kobylińska, Louis Daniel Nebelsick, Sylwia Twardo", title = "Ceramological archaeometry in Poland : the outline of history and problems ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "89 - 121" }
Mineralogical investigation of the content of archaeological potterys. 123 - 135CZYSTY TEKST
Maciej Pawlikowski, Mineralogical investigation of the content of archaeological pottery , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 123 - 135
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maciej Pawlikowski", title = "Mineralogical investigation of the content of archaeological pottery ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "123 - 135" }
Materials science and engineering approach to research on ancient potterys. 137 - 144CZYSTY TEKST
Katarzyna Konopka, Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski, Materials science and engineering approach to research on ancient pottery , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 137 - 144
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Katarzyna Konopka, Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski", title = "Materials science and engineering approach to research on ancient pottery ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "137 - 144" }
Some remarks on perspectives in archaeological pottery research in Polands. 145 - 148CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Trąbska, Some remarks on perspectives in archaeological pottery research in Poland , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 145 - 148
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Trąbska", title = "Some remarks on perspectives in archaeological pottery research in Poland ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "145 - 148" }
Pottery fragmentation as a source of archaeological informations. 149 - 162CZYSTY TEKST
Andrzej Buko, Pottery fragmentation as a source of archaeological information , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 149 - 162
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andrzej Buko", title = "Pottery fragmentation as a source of archaeological information ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "149 - 162" }
Spectroscopic techniques in provenance determination of archaeological objectss. 163 - 172CZYSTY TEKST
Czesław August, Dagmara Łaciak, Barbara I. Łydżba-Kopczyńska, Grzegorz Rusek, Eugeniusz Zych, Spectroscopic techniques in provenance determination of archaeological objects , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 163 - 172
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Czesław August, Dagmara Łaciak, Barbara I. Łydżba-Kopczyńska, Grzegorz Rusek, Eugeniusz Zych", title = "Spectroscopic techniques in provenance determination of archaeological objects ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "163 - 172" }
Archaeometric study of pottery from the Early Iron Age stronghold at Starosiedle (Lubuskie Province, western Poland)s. 173 - 193CZYSTY TEKST
Fernando Agua, Manuel García-Heras, Urszula Kobylińska, Zbigniew Kobyliński, María Angeles Villegas, Archaeometric study of pottery from the Early Iron Age stronghold at Starosiedle (Lubuskie Province, western Poland) , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 173 - 193
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Fernando Agua, Manuel García-Heras, Urszula Kobylińska, Zbigniew Kobyliński, María Angeles Villegas", title = "Archaeometric study of pottery from the Early Iron Age stronghold at Starosiedle (Lubuskie Province, western Poland) ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "173 - 193" }
Laboratory analysis of Early Iron Age pottery from Sochaczew-Trojanów (Poland) : a brief reports. 195 - 206CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Drzewicz, Anna Kinecka, Laboratory analysis of Early Iron Age pottery from Sochaczew-Trojanów (Poland) : a brief report , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 195 - 206
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Drzewicz, Anna Kinecka", title = "Laboratory analysis of Early Iron Age pottery from Sochaczew-Trojanów (Poland) : a brief report ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "195 - 206" }
Study of pottery production patterns through archaeometric methods : the case of El Bierzo (Spain)s. 207 - 223CZYSTY TEKST
Fernando Agua, Manuel García-Heras, Teresa Palomar, María Angeles Villegas, Study of pottery production patterns through archaeometric methods : the case of El Bierzo (Spain) , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 207 - 223
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Fernando Agua, Manuel García-Heras, Teresa Palomar, María Angeles Villegas", title = "Study of pottery production patterns through archaeometric methods : the case of El Bierzo (Spain) ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "207 - 223" }
Forming techniques of the Roman Period grey vessels : the ultrasonic testing methods. 225 - 240CZYSTY TEKST
Halina Dobrzańska, Jan Piekarczyk, Forming techniques of the Roman Period grey vessels : the ultrasonic testing method , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 225 - 240
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Halina Dobrzańska, Jan Piekarczyk", title = "Forming techniques of the Roman Period grey vessels : the ultrasonic testing method ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "225 - 240" }
Firing conditions and properties of the Roman Period grey ceramicss. 241 - 250CZYSTY TEKST
Halina Dobrzańska, Andrzej Kielski, Krystyna Wodnicka, Firing conditions and properties of the Roman Period grey ceramics , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 241 - 250
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Halina Dobrzańska, Andrzej Kielski, Krystyna Wodnicka", title = "Firing conditions and properties of the Roman Period grey ceramics ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "241 - 250" }
Weakening and structural temper : a new approach to the interpretation of results of physico-chemical tests on Medieval pottery pastess. 251 - 269CZYSTY TEKST
Paweł Rzeźnik, Henryk Stoksik, Weakening and structural temper : a new approach to the interpretation of results of physico-chemical tests on Medieval pottery pastes , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 251 - 269
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paweł Rzeźnik, Henryk Stoksik", title = "Weakening and structural temper : a new approach to the interpretation of results of physico-chemical tests on Medieval pottery pastes ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "251 - 269" }
Chemical analysis of Early Medieval pottery of the "Drohiczyn" types. 271 - 280CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Kinecka, Agata Wójcik, Chemical analysis of Early Medieval pottery of the "Drohiczyn" type , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 271 - 280
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Kinecka, Agata Wójcik", title = "Chemical analysis of Early Medieval pottery of the "Drohiczyn" type ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "271 - 280" }
White pottery from Solec-on-the-Vistula-River in the light of laboratory researchs. 281 - 294CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Bis, White pottery from Solec-on-the-Vistula-River in the light of laboratory research , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 281 - 294
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Bis", title = "White pottery from Solec-on-the-Vistula-River in the light of laboratory research ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "281 - 294" }
Historical glasses : approaches, degradation and preservations. 295 - 316CZYSTY TEKST
Fernando Agua, Juan-Félix Conde, Manuel García-Heras, María Angeles Villegas, Historical glasses : approaches, degradation and preservation , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 295 - 316
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Fernando Agua, Juan-Félix Conde, Manuel García-Heras, María Angeles Villegas", title = "Historical glasses : approaches, degradation and preservation ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "295 - 316" }
Lighting influence on heat parameter changes in museum cabinetss. 317 - 332CZYSTY TEKST
Elżbieta Greiner-Wronowa, Anna Pusoska, Jarosław Wrona, Lighting influence on heat parameter changes in museum cabinets , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 317 - 332
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Elżbieta Greiner-Wronowa, Anna Pusoska, Jarosław Wrona", title = "Lighting influence on heat parameter changes in museum cabinets ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "317 - 332" }
"Spuren und Botschaften. Interpretationen materieller Kultur", Ulrich Veit, Tobias L. Kienlin, Christoph Kümmel and Sascha Schmidt (eds.), Münster [et al.] 2003 : [recenzja]s. 333 - 342CZYSTY TEKST
Tobias L. Kienlin, Christoph Kümmel, Louis Daniel Nebelsick, Sascha Schmidt, Ulrich Veit, "Spuren und Botschaften. Interpretationen materieller Kultur", Ulrich Veit, Tobias L. Kienlin, Christoph Kümmel and Sascha Schmidt (eds.), Münster [et al.] 2003 : [recenzja] , Archaeologia Polona, 2008 / Tom 46, s. 333 - 342
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tobias L. Kienlin, Christoph Kümmel, Louis Daniel Nebelsick, Sascha Schmidt, Ulrich Veit", title = ""Spuren und Botschaften. Interpretationen materieller Kultur", Ulrich Veit, Tobias L. Kienlin, Christoph Kümmel and Sascha Schmidt (eds.), Münster [et al.] 2003 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2008 / Tom 46", pages = "333 - 342" }