Editorials. 1 - 2CZYSTY TEKST
Zbigniew Kobyliński, Editorial , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 1 - 2
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Kobyliński", title = "Editorial ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "1 - 2" }
Theorising the practice of archaeological heritage managements. 5 - 21CZYSTY TEKST
John Carman, Theorising the practice of archaeological heritage management , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 5 - 21
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " John Carman", title = "Theorising the practice of archaeological heritage management ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "5 - 21" }
Place, landscape, ecology, and the practice of cultural heritage preservations. 23 - 32CZYSTY TEKST
Ludomir R. Lozny, Place, landscape, ecology, and the practice of cultural heritage preservation , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 23 - 32
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ludomir R. Lozny", title = "Place, landscape, ecology, and the practice of cultural heritage preservation ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "23 - 32" }
Protection of the European archaeological heritage : current problems and perspectivess. 33 - 42CZYSTY TEKST
Zbigniew Kobyliński, Protection of the European archaeological heritage : current problems and perspectives , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 33 - 42
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Kobyliński", title = "Protection of the European archaeological heritage : current problems and perspectives ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "33 - 42" }
The social context for archaeological reconstructions in England, Germany and Scandinavias. 43 - 68CZYSTY TEKST
Marion Blockley, The social context for archaeological reconstructions in England, Germany and Scandinavia , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 43 - 68
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marion Blockley", title = "The social context for archaeological reconstructions in England, Germany and Scandinavia ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "43 - 68" }
Swedish cultural heritage management : retrospect and the current situations. 69 - 86CZYSTY TEKST
Lena Holm, Swedish cultural heritage management : retrospect and the current situation , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 69 - 86
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Lena Holm", title = "Swedish cultural heritage management : retrospect and the current situation ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "69 - 86" }
Archaeological heritage protection in Estonias. 87 - 100CZYSTY TEKST
Ants Kraut, Archaeological heritage protection in Estonia , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 87 - 100
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ants Kraut", title = "Archaeological heritage protection in Estonia ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "87 - 100" }
Some aspects of archaeological heritage protection and management in Latvias. 101 - 110CZYSTY TEKST
Andris Sne, Some aspects of archaeological heritage protection and management in Latvia , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 101 - 110
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andris Sne", title = "Some aspects of archaeological heritage protection and management in Latvia ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "101 - 110" }
Protection of the archaeological heritage in Denmark : remarks from the Polish point of views. 111 - 152CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Szpanowski, Protection of the archaeological heritage in Denmark : remarks from the Polish point of view , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 111 - 152
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Szpanowski", title = "Protection of the archaeological heritage in Denmark : remarks from the Polish point of view ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "111 - 152" }
The management of the archaeological heritage in the Netherlandss. 153 - 168CZYSTY TEKST
Willem J. H. Willems, The management of the archaeological heritage in the Netherlands , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 153 - 168
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Willem J. H. Willems", title = "The management of the archaeological heritage in the Netherlands ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "153 - 168" }
The Romanian legislation regarding the protection of the archaeological sites and monumentss. 169 - 174CZYSTY TEKST
Mircea Victor Angelescu, Corina Borş, The Romanian legislation regarding the protection of the archaeological sites and monuments , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 169 - 174
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mircea Victor Angelescu, Corina Borş", title = "The Romanian legislation regarding the protection of the archaeological sites and monuments ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "169 - 174" }
Protection of archaeological heritage in Spains. 175 - 190CZYSTY TEKST
M. Angeles Querol, Protection of archaeological heritage in Spain , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 175 - 190
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " M. Angeles Querol", title = "Protection of archaeological heritage in Spain ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "175 - 190" }
Conservation of cultural heritage in Brazil : some remarkss. 191 - 201CZYSTY TEKST
Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Conservation of cultural heritage in Brazil : some remarks , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 191 - 201
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Pedro Paulo A. Funari", title = "Conservation of cultural heritage in Brazil : some remarks ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "191 - 201" }
Introductions. 203 - 204CZYSTY TEKST
Zbigniew Kobyliński, Introduction , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 203 - 204
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Kobyliński", title = "Introduction ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "203 - 204" }
Protection and management of archaeological heritage in Europe : the importance and achievements of the European Association of Archaeologistss. 205 - 213CZYSTY TEKST
Arkadiusz Marciniak, Protection and management of archaeological heritage in Europe : the importance and achievements of the European Association of Archaeologists , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 205 - 213
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Arkadiusz Marciniak", title = "Protection and management of archaeological heritage in Europe : the importance and achievements of the European Association of Archaeologists ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "205 - 213" }
Heritage management for archaeology : inconsistencies, conflicts, perspectivess. 215 - 224CZYSTY TEKST
Stefan Altekamp, Heritage management for archaeology : inconsistencies, conflicts, perspectives , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 215 - 224
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stefan Altekamp", title = "Heritage management for archaeology : inconsistencies, conflicts, perspectives ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "215 - 224" }
Some problems in contemporary English archaeologys. 225 - 238CZYSTY TEKST
Christopher G. Cumberpatch, Some problems in contemporary English archaeology , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 225 - 238
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Christopher G. Cumberpatch", title = "Some problems in contemporary English archaeology ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "225 - 238" }
European cultural landscapes : an archaeological urban visions. 239 - 242CZYSTY TEKST
Brian Ayers, Brian Durham, Robina McNeil, European cultural landscapes : an archaeological urban vision , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 239 - 242
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Brian Ayers, Brian Durham, Robina McNeil", title = "European cultural landscapes : an archaeological urban vision ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "239 - 242" }
Cagliari document on "Conservation and restoration of the archaeological heritage"s. 243 - 246CZYSTY TEKST
Amedeo Bellini, Azedine Beschaouch, Luigia Binda, Ray Bondin, Mauro Civita, Giuseppe Cristinelli, Jukka Jokilehto, Tatiana Kirova, Jean-Luis Luxen, Alessandra Melucco, András Roman, Cagliari document on "Conservation and restoration of the archaeological heritage" , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 243 - 246
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Amedeo Bellini, Azedine Beschaouch, Luigia Binda, Ray Bondin, Mauro Civita, Giuseppe Cristinelli, Jukka Jokilehto, Tatiana Kirova, Jean-Luis Luxen, Alessandra Melucco, András Roman", title = "Cagliari document on "Conservation and restoration of the archaeological heritage" ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "243 - 246" }
Fundamental principles of archaeological heritage conservation : (proposal presented to the International Conference on Conservation "Cracow 2000")s. 247 - 250CZYSTY TEKST
Zbigniew Kobyliński, Fundamental principles of archaeological heritage conservation : (proposal presented to the International Conference on Conservation "Cracow 2000") , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 247 - 250
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Kobyliński", title = "Fundamental principles of archaeological heritage conservation : (proposal presented to the International Conference on Conservation "Cracow 2000") ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "247 - 250" }
Charter of Kraków 2000 : principles for conservation and restoration of built heritage.s. 251 - 256CZYSTY TEKST
Charter of Kraków 2000 : principles for conservation and restoration of built heritage., Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 251 - 256
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Charter of Kraków 2000 : principles for conservation and restoration of built heritage.", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "251 - 256" }
"Das Phänomen der sowjetischen Archäologie. Geschichte, Schulen, Protagonisten", Lev S. Klejn, Frankfurt/M. 1997 : [recenzja]s. 257 - 261CZYSTY TEKST
Cornelius J. Holtorf, Lev S. Klejn, "Das Phänomen der sowjetischen Archäologie. Geschichte, Schulen, Protagonisten", Lev S. Klejn, Frankfurt/M. 1997 : [recenzja] , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 257 - 261
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Cornelius J. Holtorf, Lev S. Klejn", title = ""Das Phänomen der sowjetischen Archäologie. Geschichte, Schulen, Protagonisten", Lev S. Klejn, Frankfurt/M. 1997 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "257 - 261" }
"Archeologie krajiny. Vývoj archetypu kulturní krajiny", Martin Gojda, Praha 2000 : [recenzja]s. 261 - 263CZYSTY TEKST
Martin Gojda, Wojciech Piotrowski, "Archeologie krajiny. Vývoj archetypu kulturní krajiny", Martin Gojda, Praha 2000 : [recenzja] , Archaeologia Polona, 2000 / Tom 38, s. 261 - 263
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Martin Gojda, Wojciech Piotrowski", title = ""Archeologie krajiny. Vývoj archetypu kulturní krajiny", Martin Gojda, Praha 2000 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Archaeologia Polona", issue = "2000 / Tom 38", pages = "261 - 263" }