The enlargement of the European Union – Poland’s ex ample : Between unity and diversitys. 7 - 19CZYSTY TEKST
Zbigniew Czachór, The enlargement of the European Union – Poland’s ex ample : Between unity and diversity , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 7 - 19
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Czachór", title = "The enlargement of the European Union – Poland’s ex ample : Between unity and diversity ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "7 - 19" }
A two-speed Europe – a risk of total disintegration, or an opportunity for the development of the European Union? : an attempt at a projections. 21 - 34CZYSTY TEKST
Jacek Pera, A two-speed Europe – a risk of total disintegration, or an opportunity for the development of the European Union? : an attempt at a projection , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 21 - 34
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jacek Pera", title = "A two-speed Europe – a risk of total disintegration, or an opportunity for the development of the European Union? : an attempt at a projection ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "21 - 34" }
A new approach to policy evaluation in the European Unions. 35 - 44CZYSTY TEKST
Paulina Kubera, A new approach to policy evaluation in the European Union , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 35 - 44
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paulina Kubera", title = "A new approach to policy evaluation in the European Union ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "35 - 44" }
Energy security cultures in the European Unions. 45 - 60CZYSTY TEKST
Rwmigiusz Rosicki, Energy security cultures in the European Union , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 45 - 60
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rwmigiusz Rosicki", title = "Energy security cultures in the European Union ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "45 - 60" }
Introduction to attention-based politicss. 61 - 73CZYSTY TEKST
Norbert Merkovity, Introduction to attention-based politics , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 61 - 73
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Norbert Merkovity", title = "Introduction to attention-based politics ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "61 - 73" }
Challenges of i-voting – practices, rules and perspectives : Examples from Estonia and Switzerlands. 75 - 86CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Musiał-Karg, Challenges of i-voting – practices, rules and perspectives : Examples from Estonia and Switzerland , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 75 - 86
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Musiał-Karg", title = "Challenges of i-voting – practices, rules and perspectives : Examples from Estonia and Switzerland ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "75 - 86" }
Political implications of new social thinking: byproduct of the privatization of the kibbutzims. 87 - 102CZYSTY TEKST
Mordechai Levy, Political implications of new social thinking: byproduct of the privatization of the kibbutzim , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 87 - 102
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mordechai Levy", title = "Political implications of new social thinking: byproduct of the privatization of the kibbutzim ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "87 - 102" }
Influence of political communication on the transformation of identity : Reflection in Ukrainian digital media discourses. 103 - 122CZYSTY TEKST
Bogdana Nosova, Influence of political communication on the transformation of identity : Reflection in Ukrainian digital media discourse , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 103 - 122
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bogdana Nosova", title = "Influence of political communication on the transformation of identity : Reflection in Ukrainian digital media discourse ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "103 - 122" }
Media ownership regulation in Europe – a threat or opportunity for freedom of speech?s. 123 - 132CZYSTY TEKST
Jędrzej Skrzypczak, Media ownership regulation in Europe – a threat or opportunity for freedom of speech? , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 123 - 132
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jędrzej Skrzypczak", title = "Media ownership regulation in Europe – a threat or opportunity for freedom of speech? ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "123 - 132" }
The evolution of the party systems of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic after the disintegration of Czechoslovakia : Comparative analysiss. 133 - 144CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Koźbiał, The evolution of the party systems of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic after the disintegration of Czechoslovakia : Comparative analysis , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 133 - 144
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Koźbiał", title = "The evolution of the party systems of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic after the disintegration of Czechoslovakia : Comparative analysis ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "133 - 144" }
When rationality meets political interest. Problems of education policy rationalization in Polish municipalitiess. 145 - 158CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Kołomycew, When rationality meets political interest. Problems of education policy rationalization in Polish municipalities , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 145 - 158
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Kołomycew", title = "When rationality meets political interest. Problems of education policy rationalization in Polish municipalities ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "145 - 158" }
A Civic Budget as a form of civil participation, or an institutional PR tool : The Civic Budget in the City of Poznańs. 159 - 172CZYSTY TEKST
Szymon Ossowski, A Civic Budget as a form of civil participation, or an institutional PR tool : The Civic Budget in the City of Poznań , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 159 - 172
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Szymon Ossowski", title = "A Civic Budget as a form of civil participation, or an institutional PR tool : The Civic Budget in the City of Poznań ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "159 - 172" }
How to measure political gnosis? : Empirical evidence from Putin’s Russias. 173 - 185CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Rak, How to measure political gnosis? : Empirical evidence from Putin’s Russia , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 173 - 185
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Rak", title = "How to measure political gnosis? : Empirical evidence from Putin’s Russia ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "173 - 185" }
Russian smart power in Georgias. 187 - 202CZYSTY TEKST
Tinatini Dvalishvili, Lasha Markozashvili, Russian smart power in Georgia , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 187 - 202
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tinatini Dvalishvili, Lasha Markozashvili", title = "Russian smart power in Georgia ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "187 - 202" }
Demilitarization and neutralization : the case of the Åland Islandss. 203 - 217CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Brańka, Demilitarization and neutralization : the case of the Åland Islands , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 203 - 217
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Brańka", title = "Demilitarization and neutralization : the case of the Åland Islands ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "203 - 217" }
„Konsolidacja państwa w Republice Mołdawii”, Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Warsaw 2016 : [recenzja]s. 219 - 223CZYSTY TEKST
Katarzyna Domagała, Małgorzata Sikora-Gaca, Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, „Konsolidacja państwa w Republice Mołdawii”, Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Warsaw 2016 : [recenzja], Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 219 - 223
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Katarzyna Domagała, Małgorzata Sikora-Gaca, Bartłomiej Zdaniuk", title = " „Konsolidacja państwa w Republice Mołdawii”, Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Warsaw 2016 : [recenzja]", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "219 - 223" }
In memory of Andrzej Chodubski (1952–2017)s. 225 - 226CZYSTY TEKST
Tadeusz Wallas, In memory of Andrzej Chodubski (1952–2017), Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 225 - 226
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tadeusz Wallas", title = "In memory of Andrzej Chodubski (1952–2017)", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "225 - 226" }
Komunikat z posiedzenia Kapituły Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu im. Czesława Mojsiewiczas. 227CZYSTY TEKST
Komunikat z posiedzenia Kapituły Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu im. Czesława Mojsiewicza , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 227
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Komunikat z posiedzenia Kapituły Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu im. Czesława Mojsiewicza ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "227" }
Noty o Autorach = Contributorss. 229 - 232CZYSTY TEKST
Noty o Autorach = Contributors , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 229 - 232
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Noty o Autorach = Contributors ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "229 - 232" }
Przegląd Politologicznys. 233 - 234CZYSTY TEKST
Przegląd Politologiczny, Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 233 - 234
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Przegląd Politologiczny", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "233 - 234" }
Edirorial Requirementss. 235 - 236CZYSTY TEKST
Edirorial Requirements , Przegląd Politologiczny, 2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4, s. 235 - 236
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Edirorial Requirements ", journal = "Przegląd Politologiczny", issue = "2017 / Tom 22 / Numer 4", pages = "235 - 236" }